Saturday, January 28, 2012

Last days

Thursday the fifteenth was our Roommate Christmas party.  Melinda gave us our presents, we all got a scarf, mine is adorable, and I love it, Erin got me some cow socks.  They are awesome!  Earlier I was going to totes buy myself some.  We put in Lilo and Stitch and did our nails and face masks.  Jeannie had washed hers off, and we were working on our nails, when the fire alarm went off, so I went to the bathroom and washed mine off, but poor Megan went out green faced and all. Today was my last test in Histology.  If anything it was bitter sweet.  I loved that class, got electrocuted, hit my head on microscopes countless times, learned how to properly use a microscope-now I can find anything on a slide.  Best professor and students ever.  I will certainly miss my class of fifteen vet and dental students.
On two of our tests we came up with the idea to use a word on the test.  Everyone had to use the same worse in a very distinct way.  First was indubitable, and then pandiculate-to yawn and stretch at the same time. Friday after my test, I took a half hour nap, and then I walked down to Erin's house.  We watched Serendipity, and then we looked at you tube videos, and ate cookies.  I headed home.
We decided on a paper mache art project, so Jeannie and I went to the business building in search of newspaper.  We couldn't find any on the second floor, so I got in the elevator, to go to the third floor, but forgot what floor we were on and pushed floor one, so we headed down to the basement. We explored a little, I had never been down there.  We heard foot steps, so we booked it up the stairs, and ran to the tsc as fast as possible.  We found newspaper, and Jeannie grabbed a whole stack of city weekly, I was trying to get in the door, I instinctively pulled instead of pushed. Jeannie opened the door, she handed the stack to me, and for some reason we walked through the tsc looking for more and then retreated to the outside and home, carrying our twenty some newspapers.
The snowman

puppies are awful adorable

Christmas at the Miller's
We went to wal mart, bought the unborn. Came home and John from across the hall was here, so we all watched Unborn, Kim, Jeannie, John and I.  Scary movie, but I was told completely predictable, follows all of the horror movies. Psha! Then Brad from upstairs came down and we all hung out and talked and joked and laughed, until midnight. Erin came over, and we headed to the cemetery, because it was foggy, and we thought it would be a good idea to walk through a cemetery.  We talked and found the entrance, and walked through it, not that scary.  Still haven't spent the night in there, probably next spring. Came home and warmed up, and drug our mattresses into the front room, put in How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, and promptly fell asleep at three in the morning. Woke up and made pancakes. We had to go to the airport, so we trucked ourselves down there, and then we headed to Home Depot to find Rob. Wondered around the store, looking at grass carpet, foamy rugs, and an extremely durable suction cup thingy.  Found Wayne and he showed us the appliance section where we found Rob, and helped wrap a washing machine. We looked in every fridge opened ever washing machine and dryer, re-arranged hot plates on stoves.  We then checked out the latest microwaves, picked out our future counters and cabinets.  A half hour later, we found Rob again, and decided to make a pinata, a snowman, so we headed home. Kim engineered the snowman body, and I ripped newspaper. We started laying the paper foundation, and I decided I wanted to make a turtle, but it ended up looking like a frog/hamster, so we'll see how'll I'll paint it.  Once our first layer was done, it had to dry, but we  had to  have it done at five.  Five was in two hours, so we got out our blow dryers, and started the drying process, for the next layers I decided it would go by faster if we blow dried while we put paper down, and it went a lot faster. We did that for a couple hours, then I took a nap, Erin read, and Jeannie and Kim worked on our project. We were going to leave at five and make cheese cake. Rob, however went shopping so we left at seven, and got to his house the same time his parents got back. We had french fries and corn dogs, and watched sappy Christmas movies, and worked on a thousand piece puzzle, after looking at the box once.  After thirty minutes I forgot what the picture looked like, and after doing a lot of the edge gave up, and started knitting. Returning to the puzzle ever so often to piece a few more together. Davy J came over and we stayed until one, and then left, and fell asleep at two.

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