Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The important part of this weekend was I rode Rocket.  She is so smooth, and beautiful, I'm so glad she is mine.
I got her from the best horseman out there, Steve Carter.  He gave phil Waddy, Rocket's mom.  When Rocket was a wee bit of a foal, I made Phil ask Steve how much  he wanted for her.  He said nothing, he said I will giver her to you. I couldn't control my giddiness.  I  had my own horse. Granted Phil has put so much work into her, its not fair for me to call her mine. I will always ride her and call her mine though, and deep down he know's she is mine. 
I do ride Cactus a lot,  because Rocket is a bit spunky. I keep waiting for her to get older, and calm down, but she's four, and mature.  Lets face it, waiting for her to lose her spunk will take ten years. Much too long of a wait. I fell in love with this filly when she was first brought to our house with her mom.  I would go to the back sneak up to her pet her, and walk beside her.  I tried drawing her once, but it looked like something Mark Tobey would be proud of, but it did not resemble a horse. I had high hopes of teaching her tricks...and then I graduated high school and left for college. Phil became Utah's best horse trainer, so I let him take care of her.  He did wonders, she is rideable, lungeable, she walks and runs, rears and bows, loads in a horse trailer. She is awesome. I want to run barrels on her someday, she will be the fastest horse around.

Accept it and love it

Rocket is my red horse, and I hope I keep her always. I want her to be my War Horse. No matter what, we will always find each other.  She is the first horse who greets me in the pasture, she is the first horse who whinnies her hello.  The first horse I've walked behind and not been afraid of getting kicked, the first horse I've crawled under. She has her own attitude and she reminds me of all my animals, they are all unique and have personalities all their own. 
Thank you Steve, and Phillip for giving me the best gift, Leo's Red Rocket! 

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