Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Three Day Vaca

Grandma's house
Favorite river trail
I headed home for an eventful weekend.  I told Phil to tell the parentals I was coming home, but they didn't get the news, so my arrival was an un-intended surprise.  Friday Night I didn't do much, I was tired, and ready for a nice sleep, but first I watched No Strings Attached, story of my life. I went to sleep and woke up Saturday morning but didn't really do much, I wanted to go running or biking or something, but I settled for a mid afternoon horse ride, Staci got bucked off, she was on Cactus.  She was acting up earlier, so it makes sense that she bucked, but we didn't think she would actually do it. After that we went to get Phil's deer head from C's house, his dad was there and is pretty cool if only he was as cool as his dad.  Then we went to Burger King, and got a rodeo burger.  I wanted to picnic in the field with the horses, so I took Phil's old seat cover and headed to the field to eat.  We fed the horses so they wouldn't trample us, and ate our burgers in peace watching the horses eat, and chickens play, and cows sleep. After we ate we climbed on the shed, easier to get up then get down.  I'm terrified of coming down from things, going up is much easier. So I finally got off with some very awkward positions.  I tried my cow sneaking up on skills, and got pretty close army crawling to some cows, and then laying on a stump.  We tarped the hay, and then we went inside to eat dinner. I went with Phil, Staci and Davy to Betos. We ate toquitos, and headed off to the Payson. After playing pool we got an un-expected visit from C and his weird friend. He hit Davy on the head with pool cue. So we left, only to be followed by C and his weird friend.  They cut us off at a stop sign, and then flipped a U turn when we went the opposite way so we got on the freeway to lose them. Lost them and say a poor guy get a flat tire on his trailer. We went to Denny's and talked and laughed for a good couple hours, and went home.

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