Tuesday, January 24, 2012

losing best your best friend

Growing up is hard. Coming home is hard, when every time you come home something is different. The roads, the weather, your family. My brother got a girlfriend over the summer. Quite possibly the worst thing that could happen to a brother and sister's friendship.  Now when we go to do something with the horses she comes. She rides in the middle of the truck, and she hangs on my brother. She changes the radio, and she rides my horse, and she picked out my boots, and she goes shopping with my mom. I'm expected to be nice, and chit chatty with someone who has suddenly moved into my life, that I don't even know.  Don't touch my horse, don't touch my boots, and don't touch my brother. She broke all three with in a month of me finding out about her.  I get told I was cold, and that he'll just never bring her around me again. That's all I ask, I don't want to see you kiss, I don't want to see her hanging on your arm. I'm not going to feel bad if I didn't stand by her. I'm not a girly girl, dependent on everyone. I've stood alone in a field, and I can stand on my own.   Even now I'm regretting coming home for Thanksgiving break early. I just want to go back to Logan, and I don't want to talk to my brother for a long time.  My brother tried to talk to me about her last night but I  was tired, and when he brought her up I changed the subject. I should be sympathetic and listen to what he has to say, but I'm stubborn and don't want to.  I want to do what I want when I want, and that's not what I wanted.   I may possibly never go anywhere with him ever again, if she has to go.  I'm no longer the one he wants to take riding, or hunting, or is referred to. I I lost my ally in this family, to a stupid girl. Love is awful, remind myself never to fall for it, for any guy, people suck.

Can I just say how completely stubborn and stuck in my own ways I am.  I was extremely upset after one meeting with Staci.  In the month that has followed she is now one of my best friends.  One of my confidants, someone I can talk to and chat with, someone I can hike with and complain to. Someone who's got my back and kick anyone's butt who messes with me. We've had so many crazy adventures like going to the bowling alley in Payson at ten, and sliding all over the freshly snowed on free way. Taking wrong exits, and following fish tailing pick ups. We've played pool like fools, and practiced our quick draw on video games. Picnics in the field on seat covers.  I'm happy my brother is happy with someone, and I'm happy he found someone that can put up with him, and will love him un-conditionally. I do hate change, but if you never give a person a chance, you never learn what a great friend you can have. I support Phillip and Staci whole heartily.  I hope we will have many a great adventure, such as hiking Y mountain in tight jeans to break them in, and kicking our butts up something people are running up.  Thank you Phil for finding a great girl!

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