Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Surprise party

She is going to kill me, but this is my best friend and best roommate ever,!

Some of the best friends
Today was Sunday, December fourth 2011.  From the moment I woke up I knew today would be a good day. I woke up the sun was shining but the snow was falling.  Usually snow is not favored, but this morning it was beautiful.  I got myself a blanket, some hot chocolate with cinnamon, and started my homework on the couch watching the snow fall.  I did a little homework, but mostly I looked up recipes for upside down pineapple cake. Then I had to do a lot of prep work, cutting onions, garlic, shredding cheese, and cutting up potatoes.  After that I got ready for church.  Oddly enough I like sacrament, I can't stand Sunday school, Relief society is okay, but mostly because I sit next to cool people and knit, and draw. I've started knitting Kim's blanket, and probably won't be done in time for Christmas, but she has been warned. We all went to church, it was the first Sunday in December which is fast Sunday, and testimony sharing. Fasting wasn't hard, minus the hot chocolate, I pretty much didn't eat anything until eight. I came home and cleaned the floors, and then I started cooking the potatoes, I figured everyone would be hungry after church. They were. Then we had to find a way to get Kim out of the house. At first they were going to a Christmas program at five and it would end at seven, which would be perfect. Then they decided against that and to watch it from home, via internet. Before I had canceled Erin coming to take her away, so Erin showed up and tried to keep Kim distracted she did a pretty good job.  I'm lucky to have amazing friends, that can deal with overly excited nervous that the plan will fail me. I went down to Erin's house Friday afternoon and spent like three hours there, just talking, and drinking hot chocolate, very fun, especially after not seeing each other for a month. We had made a makeshift plan, but plans always change, and that's what makes things interesting. Kim would not leave the house, and so I just had to cook everything with her in the front room, I'm sure she suspected something, but we just acted normal. Jeannie went down and decorated the basement, blowing up balloons, and then I stole away and decorated the rest of the basement, hanging stuff up and the like. The cake turned out good I was told, not sure what its supposed to taste like, so that was good to hear.  I really just want to cook for the rest of my life, I like seeing people enjoying the food I make. I love learning new things. I want to try cooking with different herbs, so I bought some, and I hope I never have to use powder garlic again. Everything was made, and we had to wait for the guests to arrive. Will and Megan were the first, and then Josh came with his girlfriend later, and they went up to the apartment instead of the basement.  Erin came down, and then we hid and yelled out surprise.  So much texting, whispering and planning in one day, although we had been planning this for about a week.  I made lasagna, french bread pizza, and the pineapple upside down cake.  I think it went over well, we sang to kim, and she opened her presents. I think it was good, I think she had a good time. After cake we played psychiatrist, which I thought was a blast, love that game. I just ate a huge mouthful of cinnamon that was in my chocolate that was not too good. I gave Erin her Christmas present a Harry potter coloring book, I was too excited to wait until Christmas.  I always do that, buy something and then I can't wait until Christmas, I just have to give it to them then.
two best friends sorry Erin and Kim this is the best of the night
I'm not feeling any better, eating makes me sick, so I generally avoid it, I had breakfast, probably won't have lunch, might have a small dinner. I'm going to try and run today, hopefully that will help, I'll probably pretty much have to start over from square one, so we'll see if I can do three miles, that's my goal, and we'll see how it goes from there. I don't want to go to the doctor because doctor's scare me, sometime I'll have to I'm sure, especially if my eating stays like this. I don't want to waste away after building up so much muscle mass.  If I don't run this morning at least I'll walk, and get some exercise.

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