Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thanks Giving

The best ride, fastest thing around
Its Thanksgiving, and everyone rushes home for the holidays. I'm guilty of this too.  Tuesday my classes were canceled, and my last two classes were canceled Monday as well. As soon as I could I got my battery jumped I headed out of dodge.  Thank god my parents blessed me with the right gender to find help in an empty parking lot, a lonely road, and grocery stores.  Within seconds of putting my hood up a group of guys will always surround. I'm fairly certain I have a lost look on my face, or concerned.  I can walk  in the door, and immediately I'm asked "are you lost?" "Can I help you find something?" "Is everything alright?" I'm fairly certain I'm asked these questions at a higher percentage. Along with being offered rides.  I've been walking many times and people will stop and ask if I want a ride, usually I don't, however the few times I've gone walking and a blizzard has blown in I'm glad there have been people there. People should not raise their children to be so trusting, not that I was raised to be very trusting. If anything my parents raised me to be very cautious, however somewhere along the way I forgot that.  Being too trusting gets you in trouble, just like speaking before thinking. That was quite the tangent.
Monday evening I headed home and got home around five. The freeway is finally fixed, no more hour wait by Lehi, and they fixed center street in Provo.  I can't believe how confusing it is. Our government can't even design a freeway how do we expect them to be responsible for our future?  The old exits worked fine, and then they go and change it, into something that isn't even recognizable.

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