Saturday, February 11, 2012


Catching Turtles in Georgia
I think this was Bryce
Society has failed me again. When you are younger, you have all the faith in the world. As you grow up you want to change the world; volunteer, teach, and help all those around you.  You think for years what you do is making a difference, and you are happy.  Then you reach a point when society fails. You go a year without watching T.V. because the first time you turn it on, you get Dr. Oz and a show about wanting to become obese.  You watch an hours worth of television about men wanting women to become overly obese; basically watching someone kill themselves slowly.  What bothers me most is that a woman who is almost a thousand pounds thinks she is perfectly healthy. In what world is that healthy?  What is healthy about saying you are going to walk the dog, and then get in your wheel chair, because your body frame can't support the weight.  Eating more than twenty thousand calories; when we have people in America starving, is not healthy, having to have supportive gear for your extra weight is not healthy. This is just what the outside world sees, not to mention what's going on internally.  Your bones can not support that, you have little muscle mass, blood pressure problems.  My God people wake up.
River Trail with Smokey
I'm not the perfect vision of health, but I run at least 15 miles a week, I hike mountains, and not be completely out of breath when I reach the top, plus I can jog all the way down. I can run an 8 minute mile, I can walk a 16 minute mile, I can bike and rock climb, I can horse ride, and walk my dogs.  I can do all these things that these other people can't do. Why? I wasn't always this way, it took me starting with jogging in place for ten minutes, and I slowly worked my way up to being able to run 11 miles in an hour and a half. Maybe I am a bit healthier than the average individual, possibly the perfect vision of health, but don't tell me its not possible. It takes work, it takes effort, takes sweat and courage and falling down, and sliding, and pain, but its worth it. I have perfect blood pressure, iron levels, cardiac output, muscle mass, bone density, oxygen levels. I could die tomorrow or live a hundred years, but at least I will have been able to see things most people can't see and do things that haven't been done before.  Hiking in Colorado and scaling rocks, and winding my way through forests.  I've seen Utah Valley from the top of a mountain watching the sun go down, and all the lights in the valley turn on. I've gone canyoneering in national parks. Hiking up to frozen water falls.  Collecting antlers up canyons in the winter.  Exploring mines, and rivers, lakes and ponds. Biking to complete exhaustion just to see thousands of geese land on a lake.  Running in the morning, and almost being hit by deer, watching sun rises in countless places from amazing views. I've been able to do so many amazing things. I kind of lost focus, and just wanted to brag a bit, but I hope society changes.  I hope this woman is able to turn her life around.  When her sons ask her to change, and be healthy I hope she takes it to heart. Accept it and love it.
Ducks on Provo River

a Mine

Crystal River

I realize everyone is not the same, and fitness levels vary.
Beaver Lake from Raspberry Ridge

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