Saturday, February 11, 2012

New year 2012

So new years was somewhat eventful.  We finally decided new years eve that we were going to a rodeo in Mount Pleasant, and then we would celebrate new years.  So I made lasagna because I thought that was my part, turns out we were going to eat somewhere else but nobody told me, so we left to go to the rodeo, we picked up C and D and headed off the rodeo.  It was okay, luckily it was inside. After they had a dance, so I danced with C. I kept stepping on his toes which was somewhat embarrassing that I can't dance.  After we drove home, which seemed like forever, we celebrated new years in the car, and watched fire works as we drove, everyone got a news year kiss, including me. We ate pizza saw some horses, saw a dog eat some spit, watched part of a movie, and went home, and I fell asleep, tired, and glad to be home and asleep. 
 A few days after that Kim and I went and watched a movie at Jeannie's. The plan was to scare her, so we knocked and then hid.  Little did I know Kim's hiding was standing off to the side, mine was crouching under their window out cropping.  Little did we both know, she wasn't home, and drove up, with me crouching, and she was with her mom, so they both got a good laugh.  We watched insidious, pretty good actually, definitely scary. Before that we wanted to watch The Help, so we went to the store to find a red box to try and find it.  While we where there, J touched the screen and nothing happened, so I stupidly asked, "is it even a touch screen?" Quoted forever.  We watched an episode of Psych, and then we drove home. While driving this man came up fast behind me and and passed me, but then slowed way down, and went very close to my lane before getting over with no blinker.  We followed him, and at the center street exit in Provo, he hit the barrier and bounced off, but kept going, we got off. I'm pretty sure he should have gotten off, and gone to sleep somewhere.
Accept it and love it!

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