Saturday, February 11, 2012

My love affair with Hiking

My first porcupine
yep all the way to the top, we are half way

that part where there is no vegetation/the shale, and part
you don't want to climb, yep that's where we found
 I went hiking with Staci twice, once with her and some of her friends, once with her and her mom, we went up Dry Creek. Tuesday the third  I went shopping with mom, and then I took her to lunch at Village Inn. It was a good day, I really enjoy going out to eat with her and talking.  I hate when I'm interrupted though. Maybe that's why I don't talk a whole lot, because people are always interrupting me.  After lunch I went over to Staci's apartment, and we went to Reams.   I got a pair of seventy dollar jeans for twenty dollars, and a Stetson shirt.  The shirt was traded for the shirts I got for Christmas, that I would not to be rude, never wear.  Not because I didn't like them, but they were way too big on me, so I traded them in. Then we went hiking with her mom, stopped at Kohlers for a protein bar. First one I had ever had, and it tasted like mint chocolate, which threw all my senses off.  We also got Cow's tails, which are delicious, and remind me of my sweet child hood. After that we came to my house, and then we went hot tubbing. There were some quite annoying people there with us, after learning that the hot tub by her apartment was broke, we tracked down another one, and were joined by millions of other people. It was fun, we talked and joked for three hours, way too long to spend in a hot tub. Then I went home and went to sleep. Wednesday Staci and I were going up rock canyon but she couldn't go, so I started hiking at eleven, after stopping at the bank. I was making pretty good time, until I came to a fork.  One way was the continuation of rock canyon, I guess.   I didn't care to go any further, because it wasn't much of a hike, pretty sure with the right gear, I could have jogged it.  So I went the other way which was up to Squah Peak. Much more of a muddy, slippery, icy hike. Well worth it the views were amazing even more amazing I had radio the whole way up.  When I got to the top I was not prepared for what was laid out before me, all of Utah Valley. Such a fantastic view and the best part was the flat part on top, which is perfect for a sleeping bag, because I will camp up there in the summer. If not there, on the way up is a beautiful meadow, so I'll definitely consider setting up camp there. If I camp there, I can hike up the other mountain, which has a steeper summit, and taller peak. I ran all the way down, full out run, and made it back to my car in forty five minutes.  I thought was impressive.  Got down to my car sweaty and exhausted. When I got home, I had the chills, and took a two hour nap.  It helped a lot, and then we went to Burger King for dinner. Well deserved whopper. Thursday I cleaned out the chicken coup, did laundry, ran errands, and made dinner. I went to Checker to look for silicon, and this is one of the times being a girl pays off. I managed to get the silicon for half off. Accept it and love it. 

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