Saturday, February 11, 2012

Because I'm bored and you are willing

Monday Staci came over for Christmas dinner, Dec. 26, 2011.  We went to k mart I got a pair of pants, pretty dirt cheap, but I didn't realize they didn't have pockets.   Now I have pocket-less pants, which is not what I wanted, but I'll keep 'em. Then we went to wal mart.  I now have possibly the nicest pair of hiking boots, lined on the inside and so nice. Got the boots Monday, because Tuesday we went hiking Timp.  after loading the four wheelers, we headed to Staci's.  We got fitted for snow shoes, and ski poles. Then we were off to the mountains, we parked and drove up to the trail head.  We snow shoed from the start, which is pretty fun, and awkward.  I had to keep reminding myself to walk normal, heel to toe, because if you don't and your toe is down the spikes dig in, and you fall forward, unless you have cat like reflexed and catch yourself, which I do. We stopped often, and drank water, ate granola bars. We got to one part, where you would have had to hug the mountain, could not stand up and hope you didn't slide down. So we turned back.  We ate at Wendy's. After we went to Staci's for hot tubs, and sat for quite some time. 

Shoney, Phil's old war horse
Rocket, My war horse
Then we headed off to the movies.  We saw part of Mission Impossible four, which is the greatest action movie ever. Watched War Horse, saddest movie ever. Ten minutes in and I never stopped crying.  I was balling by the end, it was the best saddest movie ever. We got pizza and went back to her apartment.  I don't have a problem with Staci, but I have a problem being the third wheel, which is awful annoying. They asked me what I wanted to do for new years, and the only thing I could think of was going to Antelope Island.  Simply because every time I pass Antelope drive on my way home, I think of the island, and how I've never gone. So that's the only place I really want to go.  After Pizza, I went home and got clean, then I went over to Hailey's because it was Kim's birthday and spent the night. Woke up Wednesday ate breakfast, and headed home.  I tried to clean my room, but didn't get to far, because at three we went hiking with C Somewhere in Springville. We followed a car around on our way home, because they were going like fifteen, so they would pull over to let us pass, and we would drive past, and then pull over and let them pass us. We did this for about a half hour, before going home. Ate dinner, then I went to Kim's house to see Emma and Afton.  We walked over to see Jenny, but I saw that Georgia was home, so I said we should go see her, so we talked to her until eleven, and then I went home and slept, woke up late, so I couldn't go running in the morning. 
Accept it and love it

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