Saturday, March 31, 2012

September 11

God bless America and the many service members who have died over seas defending this great Nation.  I would also like to thank those who are not military who defend the land.  Ten years ago our nation was attacked.  Out of all my fifth grade days this was a day that I have always remembered.  I woke up, and turned on the news, and watched as the news re-played a plane flying into the twin towers, and then the second plane hitting the second tower. I remember my Grandma saying "I never saw the plane come out the other side."  Not a lot of things can make me cry, but watching 9/11  tributes hit the right emotion.  9/11 is quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever watched. It is the worst thing that happened on U.S. soil during my life time.
In the fifth grade it didn't occur to me what had happened.  It wasn't until years later that I realized just how many people died and are still dying. It didn't occur to me that these citizens had no idea what was coming. They didn't deserve this and perhaps the most disturbing fact is that it brought our country together but more importantly it tore us apart. Opinions and ideas strip us to where we are most vulnerable. Then every September 11 there is an annual moment of silence that falls over all of us.  For a moment we are all joined as one, and united. I think this is how a nation should be, united as one. For a moment your creed and color has no place, because everyone feels and everyone understands. We all understand the pain a child will go through learning their parent died, a spouse will not be returning home after work, a co-worker will not punch in, and when you call-your friend will not answer the phone.
I love hearing the story of the brave men and women on flight 93. They fought to regain control of the plane, and instead of killing hundreds on the ground it landed in a Pennsylvania field. They gave their lives but saved many lives in the process. Thank you to all the firefighters, police officers, and citizens that helped and gave their lives attempting to save many more. These everyday citizens became our heroes that day.
In the rat race of life I don't take time everyday to give thanks for my freedom and those who died for me. On Memorial day, Veterans day, Presidents day, September 11, and even Labor day I remember how important it is to realize just how lucky I am. I hope that all those who lost someone in a war or the September 11 attacks are healing, never forgetting but able to move on.

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