Monday, March 26, 2012

fleeting times

Blind taste test
Sweet simple moments come all too often, but I don't think we take time to realize they've come and gone. My roommate, Megan, made cake for her sisters birthday.  After it was done baking and was decorated with frosting, she handed each of us a tip from the cake decorator. It was a simple moment like that which brought back childhood memories of licking cake batter, and fighting over who gets the bowl. We all sat there like we were five dipping our fingers into frosting.
Fleeting moments happen at one in the morning, when your roommate tries to convince you to dance in the rain. You don't because its freezing and one in the morning. Rain dances are traded in for kitchen dance parties. You look like fools but you just don't care because you are having the time of your life.  If even for a fleeting moment.
Memories you want to relive take place on Christmas morning.  You are the first to wake up and have to wait what seems like hours for the whole family to finally get ready.  Then the camera won't work, and cinnamon rolls finish so the wait is extended.
Perhaps the sweetest moment is wanting to drive and listen to your favorite song.  This usually happens mid spring, when the world has forgotten its spring and still in winter mode.  So you go for a drive with the radio up windows down, and heater on full blast singing at the top of your lungs.
Cars starting are enough to make some ecstatic. Once your battery dies, and is no longer reliable, cars starting are sweet moments.  When you put the key into the ignition it gets your old ticker pumping.  You sit there and wonder if you will be on time to work, school, will it make it to the store, or will you have to run for the city bus.  Then you turn the key and hear the engine turn over, and finally start.  Its like a small victory for all involved.
Finding bouncy balls in school yards that have been forgotten by children is one of the greatest moments.  It is then you realize you can play four square. And you play for hours. Or maybe its finding a box that fits on your head so you can scare the weird neighbor boy that has been stalking you away.  Hiding in closets to scare your roommate and her boy friend right before they kiss create for some awesome tales.
ZPR and Rufus 
Memorable moments happen at holidays. Halloween is always eventful, pumpkin decorating, and kid decorating, "stealing" candy out of bowls left on porches.  Being frightened at what seems like a docile haunted house, and being the butt of jokes for years. "Where's Johnny?" Will always bring back fleeting memories.
Candy Cane hot chocolate in August, waving to strangers on the highway.  Driving for hours across a desert. Lightning storms on your way home from Colorado. Chasing bears on a four wheeler, sneaking into mills and mines. Eating wild raspberries and picking apples. Pizza parties with roommates, meeting acquaintances on campus and talking for hours. Going out of your way to step on crunchy leaves, raking and then jumping into huge piles of leaves.  Watching thousands of bouncy balls dropped out of a helicopter and then running to grab them. Being pushed on a long board with three of your best friends. Rain, rain boots, and puddles. Camping on a hill, naps in the sunshine on a four wheeler, rodeos and hunting. Long walks, runs, and bike rides. Reading a good book, writing poems. Riding on grocery carts, we've all done it, we all do it, we will always do it. Good food and cooking. Sleeping in, and having your parents check in on you at midnight when you're twenty. Embracing each other and life. Crying at happy and sad movies. Story Time and time outs.

Shoney and Pretty Baby

Acceptance to USU

Reply after asking someone to MORP

These are the moments to remember and cherish. These are the fleeting moments that happen all to often and yet rarely. Moments like this happen every day and need to be appreciated. Here is to the sweet moments in life. Love it and accept it!

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