Thursday, September 1, 2011

Junior Year

Here goes another school year. Monday was full of classes and seeing old faces. I don't remember a lot about Monday other then it was the first day of my first physics and interpersonal communications class. Physics required, interpersonal communications recommended to me by my adviser. In communications we were asked to make a list of our strengths and weaknesses in communication. My list went a little something like this.
Strengths:                                 Weaknesses:
eye  contact                              Nervous
common interests                      opinionated
funny                                         Quiet
stories                                       Horrible Listener
openness                                   Shy
                                                 Zero filter
Somebody put good listener on their strengths and professor said I'm surprised not listening isn't under weaknesses, when I very timidly raised my hand and said I have it. Communications should be a good class besides the speaking in public.
Tuesday I had a physics lab, and then I donated blood. Tuesday night they played Thor on old main. We went down as a dorm room, minus two. I am awful at watching movies, I have to be doing something else even now, I'm typing doing homework and watching a movie. During Thor I left for a half hour, came back and slept, not that I could see or hear the movie to begin with, but I need to work on my movie watching skills.
Wednesday I slept, and went to classes, ran, and then slept for 12 hours.
Thursday I didn't go running, because I slept in, completing my twelve hours of sleep. Went to my physics lab and went and sat in the wrong room, sat for a good five minutes before I realized everybody had an ecosystems book, I needed the next room down. Walked into that room,  nobody was there, the door shut behind me, sent my friend a text and went to leave, but the door wouldn't open.  I put full force on the door and came bursting through the door into a crowded hall way near panic on my face.
I think the hardest thing about this year is not knowing where home is. I've kind of broken down and asked for some sort of guidance. I don't know whether to fast or give something up for forty days.  Sophomore year I was so sure of myself and who I was, where I was going. I realized this year I'm growing up way too fast. Wheres the brick that was promised to be placed on my head to stop me from growing when I was six.  Most days I sleep a lot, I added another class to my schedule which will make for eighteen credits. I hope that is enough to keep me studying and preparing for school.  This year I will take the GRE, and study for it, hopefully get involved in research, volunteer at the elementary school, first time officer in the pre-vet club, member of animal science-raising cows and what not. Busy year hopefully the vet schools love me. While boot shopping, we came across a store, I thought it was called pharmacy and market, and commented on what a strange  name, when my friend said, that's Walmart.
Friday the final day in the week, TGIF, I can say goodbye to the longest week of my life, longer then my last week at the ranch, longer then spring break spent in the hospital, longer then the week before graduation, or the week before my  birthday, well maybe not that long. Went running, I'm starting to wake up late, which is no bueno. Luckily I have someone to run with, or else I'd have gone back to bed. I'm going to start my marathon training Monday, or Tuesday depending on when my brother leaves, probably Monday.  I signed up to be a volunteer for a spook run the day before Halloween, which means I can't run in, but I can see how a five-k is set up for and planned for. At the beginning of this year I though Lil wayne's song how to love was the song of my life, now I would say its I get a little bet stronger.  I don't even know why I feel jaded.  Friday night, we found our old roommates and we went to an institute thing and ate, and the plan was to go feed fish popcorn, but we didn't really know where there was a fish pond. So we ended up walking to the quad, and then we were going to go to the fish pond, then we were going to go kidnap one of our friends so we turned around and walked down old main to his house.  We were ready to surprise him with our spelling of KIM, however nobody answered, so we decided to find our other old roommate, only we ran into our friend on the way down, so then we talked for a while, but he had a date, so we all went our separate ways. Only his date was one house down from where our other roommate lived. We did a little creeping to see if we were at the right house, luckily we were. We ended up sitting and talking and re-hashing old times for the better part of three hours.  We left at eleven thirty and I wanted some sort of doughnut so we walked down to Smiths only they put their doughnuts away at midnight. We headed down to a gas station, until we discovered the invention of nutella on pop tarts.  We had to meander our way through the streets of Logan. Pretty epic we hopped a fence, climbed on dumpsters to get to higher sidewalks, may have trespassed some just to end up on the wrong side of the road, walking up a median, as cars come towards you at top slow speeds. Got to the pop tart house and  had pop tarts and nutella, and it was really good. Finally went to bed, at two in the morning.
Saturday was family drama, and swimming at Bear Lake, probably my new favorite spot, Angies for giant hamburgers and scones, cruising McDonald's parking lot, asking burger king if we can cruise their parking lot, perfume samples at the mall, the biggest game of chess and beating a tough competitor, parts of Mickey Blue eyes, and movies with the sibling, friends, and roommates, early morning walmart runs, and bacon for breakfast, two hour ride home with the bass up, beto's burritos, and brownies, plus no school on Monday. Thank goodness for good friends, who get you through hard times, by promising to make you eat your weight in ice cream.

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