Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nothing shy of amazing

Physics taught me I don't understand physics, but I'm learning. The best part of that class was shooting pop cans. After physics was the pre-vet club booth and palpating a fake cow, I found a pencil, bottle cap, a horse, and a pacifier. Interpersonal communications homework finished up my two o'clock hour, and then I was off to a chemistry study group.  I loved the study group I actually learned about orbitals, from a chemistry major. She's taking 18 credits worth of chemistry, so glad I'm only getting a chemistry minor, and not majoring in it. My interpersonal communications class followed chemistry. The whole ride up in the elevator I was thinking the elevator would get stuck, because I didn't take the stairs, but it didn't. We had an assignment, fill in the blank.
Men are (crazy)
Women are (pretty)
Homeless are (poor)
Older people are (senile)
Ethnic groups are (foreign)    Those were the first things that came to mind.

Today I was missing my best steer, Pete, because my histology teacher said what are cows good for, and I said "pets", and then he said "no, meat and milk production." 
Non stop studying from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm. I'm in Histology and my phone alarm goes off. I didn't realize it was my phone, because I forgot I set my alarm yesterday to wake me up before my physics class. I didn't shut it off until the whole class realized at the same time I did it was my phone. Which wouldn't have been bad, but there were twenty of us around a conference table. Then came Organic Chemistry and after O chem was lunch. Lunch included nachos and watching five minutes of Sydney White before heading off to Physics. Physics was learning that you can shoot something at the same time it drops and hit it.
I had dinner at Adams park, because the College of Ag gave us taco's.  This kid said hi to me, but I can never remember his name.  He know's my name, and he's told me his name half a dozen times, so I just said hi and walked away, plus I was late to my study group. After dinner it was back to the histology books, and we are a great a bunch of kids. Then I came home to find my three best friends waiting for me with toasted pop tarts. "whats a pop tart if its not toasted?"-me  "pop stupid!"-Erin  "this blog is stupid"-josh  "that's my playlist, that I listen to."-me
I love this day.  I'm beginning to feel like a free loader. This week I cooked zero meals.  Monday we were almost kicked out of the library for being extremely loud, Tuesday I finished my homework in physics and had a chem lab. O chem lab sucks, and building molecules on the computer is impossible. Just saying.
To finish up the night my Kim, Erin, and Jeannie dressed me up for the College of Ag dinner.  I tried on a half a dozen dresses, and finally we all agreed on one.  Then came accessorizing, so we matched ear ring's to dress and then necklace to dress, and then ear ring to necklace to dress, and learned a little about fashion, don't get me started on shoes. I didn't get to bed until two in the morning, and planned on running with Josh, but I set my alarm wrong, and the clock skipped an hour which actually woke me up at four, but I don't remember turning my alarm off, so I'm pretty sure I was exhausted.
This morning I woke up to Josh texting me "are you awake?" and "are you okay." I'm getting way of track to reaching my goal, and beating my brother at his own game. So far my schedule has been run two good days have two really bad days.  Tonight Josh is coming over to set goals, and go over where we need to be. Thursdays are my volunteer days, as I don't have class until 3:30, I will also fit some studying in there.

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