Sunday, September 4, 2011


 Here's to summer never ending.  Here's to running outside with short sleeves. Here's to sandals, and spinning fans. Here's to hiking and biking, and sleeping without blankets.
Fourth of July Fun, This summer no parade just fireworks in Yerington, which were awesome. 
 Here's to the best season out there. Here's to driving with the windows down.  Here's to not wearing sweat shirts and star gazing at midnight.  Here's to evening strolls in tank tops. Here's to sun bathing, swimming in lakes, reservoirs, and swimming pools.
 There are three weeks of summer left, and not even Logan can take that away from me.  I'm not a fan of winter and snow and freezing temperatures. I'm not a fan of wearing layers to school, only to strip down to nothing, because custodians don't know how to regulate temperatures. Here's to not embarrassing myself on the ice rink because even after two years of lessons, I still fall.
 Here's to not skiing, because even after many lessons I still go thirty feet when I make a pizza with my skis. Here's to not getting hurt while sledding.  Not a fan of slipping on ice, because no matter how desolate the road is, someone will see me, and laugh. Here's to not walking into wind from the canyon/arctic seas.  Let it be known that hot chocolate is not a cold season drink, and can be had every day.  Here is to enjoying a nice fall.  Leaves changing colors, and pumpkins. Here's to a nice hunting season, and possibly getting something if I come along.  Here's to settling in for a long semester of homework, and studying.
Study Study
Here's to the end of a long journey, and the beginning of a new adventure.  Here's to all of us.

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