Friday, September 30, 2011


Football and fishing, parties and early morning hikes.  This weekend was great...minus the fact that I had to force myself to study histology during the football game.  Thanks to tivo I was able to watch all the good plays, and many turnovers. In the past five years I've gone from  knowing nothing about football, to calling calls before the refs. I'm still an amateur.  Every game the refs come up with something I've never heard of.  Like whats hurdling players, I don't know, but apparently you can't do it. Luckily I have experts around to consult. Utes beat the mighty BYU! We went fishing up Diamond Fork, saw a big Elk, and found our secret fishing spot.  At least I thought it was secret, turns out there are a lot of fisher people who go there. It was plenty muddy, and there was plenty of slipping and sliding. I am no fisher woman. If I had to fish to survive-well I would be one amazing fisher. However its one thing I need help in. My dad caught two small fish, and I mostly talked with Phil, and got wet. We left and ate at the Little Acorn. I was asked to ask my dad subtly if we could go eat lunch.  I need to work on my subtlety, "Dad I love you, and you know what goes good with love?  Philly Cheese steaks at the Little Acorn." I did have a Philly Cheese steak, and it was delicious. After lunch we headed home, and then to the coffee shop to meet with Boyd.  After coffee I went to Kim's house and  had cake and ice cream for an over the hill birthday. Held Baby Emma, who is adorable, but makes me very glad I can be the Aunt, and then leave her with her parents. Kids cry and I hand them off. I bought the biggest package of pop tart's ever, 48 in one package, it was like buying a variety fireworks package that you can eat. I blame Erin for my new addiction. Went to bed around midnight Saturday, which wasn't good. The foot ball game was pretty good, BYU handed the Utes the game. Woke up at four in the morning ate breakfast and made sandwiches, mostly peanut butter with a little jelly. Then we headed off to go hiking with Phil's friend. I can say that I beat two whinny boys up a mountain.  We got there in the morning, and everything was wet, by the top of the hill our pants were soaked.  I was told I was not wet, lies. The boys were soaked, and out of breath. We saw no deer. At the top of the hill we signed the register with our names, the football score, date, and a little story that went like this "we saw and shot big foot, and am writing this down before he throws me off the hill." We read the other entries, and found out there was a trail with butterflies and deer, so turns out we didn't have to bush whack our way up the mountain, but we didn't find the trail on the way up. Funniest entry "man at the top of the mountain scared my deer away,  people who do this for fun are crazy." So we sat on the mountain eating granola bars, sandwiches, and jerky. We practiced our aim with rocks and trying to knock rocks down the mountain. We had to see who's gun was loudest, and I was momentarily deaf. Going down took around a half hour went so much faster down the mountain on the trail, no butterflies, plenty of butt sliding. Got back to the truck loaded the four wheeler, and headed to arbys (don't know how to spell it, too lazy to look it up).  I had fries with ranch and it was good. Came back and did laundry, loaded my stuff, had to tell my parents I couldn't eat dinner with them, and that made a weekend of no dinner with my family, which was sad.  All in all I spent maybe 14 hours at home this weekend mostly spent sleeping. Picked Kim up at her church, because they had ice cream I had mint, and a cherry. We were going to get gas but the place I get gas at was closed, and I had never used my debit card for gas, but the pump didn't work, so we went to Maverick, gasp.  The lady in Maverick was extremely rude, I don't even know what I did, except that I didn't know what pump I was at.  Then we went to get Erin, favorite text from her "be warned, there is a silver slug but out front."  I beat Kim to the punch quite literally.  Then it was a long ride to Logan, up the canyon and to Logan to get fruit and vegetables.  I hate leaving people in the car and wanted to be fast, but I chose the slowest oldest cashier who was jabbing at the computer, and asking me why it didn't work, just because I'm a fourth your age doesn't mean I understand it anymore then you do.  Dropped Erin off and then home sleep, Ha!  Missed running with Josh, and made it to my first class barely. I took phil'sCSU.  Wasn't that bad because hopefully I'll go to CSU. Not a lot of sleep that night. Sunday I studied, and slept. Monday was the paint dance which was pretty cool, went with Jeannie. Got painted, and ended up soaking wet. 

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