Saturday, October 1, 2011

Stereotype me as a boy

Psychology Assignment, we had to write what waking up as a boy would be like, so here is a mix of my brothers and guys around campus. 
If I woke up as a boy I would wake up the same way I do now, the same way my brothers do.  I would set my alarm for an hour before I have to leave and hit snooze until ten minutes before I have to go to class.  I would skip breakfast because I’ll just have a huge lunch.  Being a boy would change the way I dressed and see the world. I would look for a shirt on the floor using my nose to pick out a clean one, throw on some jeans and deodorant, and head out the door.  I would walk a lot taller because no matter what I know I look good and everyone is checking me out.  I would rate every girl on my way to class, and show up on time.  After class I would head home and eat lunch, probably half a dozen sandwiches.  My stomach would be bigger and due to my testosterone and fast metabolism I could eat a lot more and not gain any weight.  I would go to a few more classes off campus.  This would require me to drive my annoying sports car with the windows down and rad choice of music blasting. The people giving my dirty looks would be mistaken as looks of jealousy.  I would carelessly signal without a blinker, no worries because I’m a guy, they will never catch up to me and blame my lousy driving on a woman. I’ll park taking up as many as four spots, and stroll into the building, passing out cheesy compliments to all the ladies to get a cheap smile.  Depending on the day I might hold open doors and start a meaningful conversation.  After class I might hit the gym with my best friends, so I can have a spotter while I bench press two hundred pounds.  We’d go our separate ways, and I would retire to my apartment.  At home I would cook something with meat and not wash my dishes or the stove.  While eating I would play video games and maybe chat on the internet with various people to pass the time. Before bed I would watch tv, read the newspaper sports section and opinions section, maybe comics, then I would shower and head to the local Wal-Mart with my wing men.  All the guys know to get as many numbers as possible you have to go to Wal-Mart at midnight.  We would get as many numbers as possible making subscripts by their name such as “megan the hot one” and “amber the annoying friend.” After completing our manly duty of number taking we would head off to a taco joint. Eating our burritos and staring down other groups of men that are invading our territory.  After a busy night of meeting girls I will never talk to again I will head home and head to my bed. 

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