Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hair ties

The only other creature awake at five thirty
Waking up five thirty, already late, two missed texts and...its missing. this happens morning after morning.  Frazzled and flustered I search.  Time after time, telling myself I'll keep it in one place. Time after time it grows legs in the middle of the night and wonders off. Promising myself I can run without it, I grab my key card take one more look at my un-brushed unkempt hair, and turn to leave. There I see it poking out of my pocket one my green, or black, or blue rubber bands, one pink  or orange scrunchies, one rubber band. Poking its tiny flexible self out of my pocket, staring at me behind my bush, shampoo, tied around the faucet in the shower, resting on a shelf. Never where I remember leaving it. This happens time and time again with chap stick, keys, rings, and shoes.  I've tried to keep my material possessions to a minimum, because chances are I will lose them. Chances are the people who gave them to me will be offended. I usually find these things, pocket knife in backpack, rubber bands in my pocket, rings in my shoes, shoes under the couch, chap stick in my car. When these things are located its like Christmas in July, simply amazing. 

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