Friday, September 30, 2011

Quote Wall

"What are you five?"-Erin, the quote that made Erin famous
Mace Face and Snakey Jorge

"Is this someone?"-Erin, Erin on the phone with someone

"They're from Wyoming, they probably thought it was the freeway." -Jorge

"I feel stupid asking you questions." -Kim to Jorge
The Kim two k's short of triple k

"Cabbage!!!" -Erin's text to Jorge

"Oddly enough I didn't get hurt when I jumped, but Jorge did and she didn't jump." -Kim

"Kim I don't know how to do the problems I don't know how to do."-Jorge to Kim while doing physics

"Your like a duck out of water."-Jorge "Which is still a duck?"-Kim " "I guess so." conversation between friends late at night.

"So how long do I have to have an eating disorder to get into this place?" -Jorgena, after hearing about Macy's awesome job, where Nutella is the main snack.

"I eat in private and purge in public.  HEY YOU GUYS WATCH!!!"-Macy

"I don't know how to get out of here!"-Jorge "Just follow the exit arrows."-Josh Said while trying to get out of a parking garage.

"You ate it all."-Kim, this is only funny because Kim said it to Jorge after she ate a ton of ice cream, only funny because Jorge hadn't had any junk food for years.

"Isn't that the worst though? It's like you have no legitimate break up to get over, but it hurts just as much. If you need another poptart and nutella party just let me know." Erin- best roommate turned friend ever.

"Cheetah pants girl is at Wal-Mart, wearing her...Cheetah Pants!!" -Erin

"But it doesn't matter because I'm beautiful dang it." -Kim, only funny because of the funniest song ever.

"I'm going to get ice cream, and now I'm going to go work on a tree at...grandma's house."- Kim, this was Kim's rant about facebook and people sharing their life experience.

"nothing says love like life insurance." -Jorge

"I'm so cool I can run through a field full of sprinklers and get wet."-Jorge

"Tom and Jerry is joke, I am dead serious." kim

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