Tuesday, September 6, 2011


For my Psychology of genders class we had to write what we know about Men and Women, so here is a draft. 
Men are typically larger, broader and built for working. They commonly have shorter hair, facial hair, and are taller. Growing up with men I have learned they are very direct in communication.  Men like to get to the point, and avoid using lots of details.They are more reserved and don't express thier feelings verbally.  Men are healthy, and seem to have a very good immune system.  Men can eat junk food and survive.  Men are very protective, and like to be in control. A man’s role in parenting is typically the enforcer. Men like to try and fix things and work with their hands, so they will generally do well in more hands on and analytical classes. Boys growing up are very active as children, and experimental.  Boys are willing to try anything, even if it means wearing a cast the whole summer. Men’s biggest strength is being straightforward, and their weakness is being simple.
Women are usually more petite and built for child bearing and rearing. Women look feminine, softer features, typically with longer hair and shorter. Women tell a story when they communicate.  They are very verbal and descriptive and use their hands and body language a lot. Women are very good at persuasion by guilt trip.  Women seem to fall victim to being sick more and longer than men. A woman’s role in parenting is the nurturer; always there to listen, and comfort, men just want to fix things. If women put time into their education they are very good with left brain activities. Women tend to think they have the whole world on thier shoulders and must rise to the occassion always. Girls growing up tend to play with dolls, and are pushed into homemaking activities. However they excel in most everything they do.  Women’s strength is being able to express themselves, women’s weakness is trusting men. 

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