Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Epic Adventures

Cool stories are often told in classes, or something interesting about you.  What if I don't have an interesting aspect of my life that stands out?  My stories all blur together. So here goes I'll try and recount some interestingly cool stories.  I'll start from childhood.  One of the earliest stories I remember is when my Grandma came to visit.  My grandma is terribly afraid of worms, so me being the young prankster of four ran out and grabbed a handful of nothing, ran inside and pretended to have a worm.
dinner partie
Scared my Grandma, and I laughed pretty hard.  The next interesting story involves a very scared myself and my brother, after watching Walker Texas Ranger. My parents were gone to a wedding, and my brother and I trekked across many fields ending up at the wedding, full of burs and chicken pox. Skipping ahead to tonight, when I went to a long day of classes, and wasn't sure if I wanted to go to FHE with my friend. While walking home I ran into my friend, and was invited, so I ran up grabbed my shorts and headed to a red neck slip and slide. I didn't do anything very epic, but the slip and slide was pretty fun, and the people jumping onto it were crazy. People were running and jumping and landing on everything breakable. They had a baby slip and slide, with no line, so that was mine. Famous last words will be "it might hurt but it will be worth it." My epic adventures are somewhat not epic. I've decided to not jump any ditches I know I can't jump, because when I was learning to jump ditches I jumped one, I couldn't jump, and was stranded in a ditch in a dress for a good thirty seconds before I realized I could stand up. Giving blood 2011. 
Blood donor
Giving blood is an epic adventure let me tell you.  Went to donate blood and sat in the chairs waiting for my chance. Sat for a good half hour texting my friend who was in the process. When I sat down to give blood my phlebotomist looked spiteful or angry, probably because I was really chipper. I have the attention span of a five year old, and could not pay attention to what she was saying. Finally got through the preliminaries and on to the blood draw. Luckily my friend was there because I talked to her while the initial needle was jabbed in my arm. I was told that it would sting becasue of the iodine.  The stinging never went away so she said she would turn the needle to relieve the pain.  Never agree to that, so she took the tape off, and moved the needle, which wasn't much better, but I said it was so she would stop.  I didn't realize we were two minutes into the blood draw, didn't realize the blood with draw starts as soon as the needle goes in. Total process took five minutes 23 seconds.  In line people were laughing at peoples faces because they look sad or angry while giving blood, I think I have always laughed during donation, luckily because when I talk people naturally laugh at me, which makes me laugh. When the needle was ready to come out, all I could do was close my eyes, and hope it would end well...it didn't.  Most painful thing ever, I could see the needle track marks in my arm, still stings three hours later. I think my vein was torn, and my skin.  Epic adventure leaving St. George. On our way away from St. George my brother and I headed out of town after a failed rodeo attempt, no rodeo's this year. We noticed that the stem was leaking on the back right tire. So my bright idea lets put gum around it, my brothers bright idea, lets stop in every town and fill it up. So we leave and get a half hour from the rodeo, and low and behold the tire blows, so we pull over, and take the tire off. Drive with the tire on my lap back to town, and try and find a service station owner.  Luckily people in small towns are too nice for their own good, and a guy helped us look for the owner.  We found him, and drove to the station, and phil and he left so I cleaned my windows at the gas station, until they came back.  
oh horse trailer where have you been all my life
Then we had to find a stem that fit the rim, apparently whoever had the tire made the stem hole bigger then anything we had. We got laughed at for putting gum around the stem, finally got the tire, headed back to the trailer, changed the tire, drove an hour and slept, drove another hour and slept for four hours. Finally made it home.  College adventure with the roommies
From far away it doesn't look like randoms
. One of my roommates wanted to have a year full of firsts, so we agreed to help her accomplish this goal by having a booth of free randoms, which looks a lot like free condoms, which gets you a lot of weird looks. A lot of people would not stop, we got applauded for doing it, because lets face it, it was an awesome idea. For three hours we told people free random facts, but accepted donations; of which I think we got a leaf, and some quarters and pennies.  Sheep productions was an adventure of epic excitement. Trying to get ewes who have birthed a lamb in a pen is easier said then done. They are the most jumpy animal, take its baby and it runs the other way, and jumps every fence. Staying up all night, luckily lambs were born on all my watches, other wise would not have been worth it. I'm forgetting a lot, as soon as I turned twenty my memory was shot, its going to be a long sixty years. One time I shot a water bottle with a shotgun, pretty much just closed my eyes and shot, probably not supposed to admit that. So many horse adventures. When I was eight I rode a horse and was bucked off, got through one buck, and off I came.  Years later was taking my horse back from a trail ride  along the river, when she took off, and the stirrup came off, and then I came off onto the curb, and remembered a door shutting some guy yelling are you okay, and then I jumped up, and took after my horse.  I ran a good half mile, before I threw my hands up, and looked around, the guy had been running after me, and he and his wife offered me a ride home. 
Pain from my fall
We got to my house, and then I just went limp, not sure why.  I looked in the mirror and had a lump on my head, torn gloves, dirty pants, and a hurt pride so embarrassing. My brother and I go riding with my cousin a lot, usually nothing happens sometimes they try and walk their horses across logs, and the horses fall of the log and onto the rider.  One time I was riding on LP a local load packer and she had no sense of steering, so I was just along for the ride, and we were coming back on the same trail we rode up on. We waited for some motor cyclist to get across a fallen log, and there were other horse riders on the other side of the log, so my brother and cousin crossed, and then the other riders crossed and then my horse started following the other riders, and wouldn't turn back for the life of me, so I had to be escorted across.  I was driving back from my stunt in Nevada on a two lane highway, and there were three semi's to my left, and a car behind them, and then the car decides to pull out in front of me, to pass, but he never pulls back in his lane, and we are probably twenty feet from each other, I could see his little bald head, when I decide to swerve, and miss him and go between the poles on the side of the road, and some people pulled off to the side. Hitting gravel at sixty is like hitting ice, and I'm not sure how I made it out alive, because I pretty much swerved everywhere, and hoped I would stop, I did, and there went the black car still in my lane.

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