Friday, September 30, 2011


Football and fishing, parties and early morning hikes.  This weekend was great...minus the fact that I had to force myself to study histology during the football game.  Thanks to tivo I was able to watch all the good plays, and many turnovers. In the past five years I've gone from  knowing nothing about football, to calling calls before the refs. I'm still an amateur.  Every game the refs come up with something I've never heard of.  Like whats hurdling players, I don't know, but apparently you can't do it. Luckily I have experts around to consult. Utes beat the mighty BYU! We went fishing up Diamond Fork, saw a big Elk, and found our secret fishing spot.  At least I thought it was secret, turns out there are a lot of fisher people who go there. It was plenty muddy, and there was plenty of slipping and sliding. I am no fisher woman. If I had to fish to survive-well I would be one amazing fisher. However its one thing I need help in. My dad caught two small fish, and I mostly talked with Phil, and got wet. We left and ate at the Little Acorn. I was asked to ask my dad subtly if we could go eat lunch.  I need to work on my subtlety, "Dad I love you, and you know what goes good with love?  Philly Cheese steaks at the Little Acorn." I did have a Philly Cheese steak, and it was delicious. After lunch we headed home, and then to the coffee shop to meet with Boyd.  After coffee I went to Kim's house and  had cake and ice cream for an over the hill birthday. Held Baby Emma, who is adorable, but makes me very glad I can be the Aunt, and then leave her with her parents. Kids cry and I hand them off. I bought the biggest package of pop tart's ever, 48 in one package, it was like buying a variety fireworks package that you can eat. I blame Erin for my new addiction. Went to bed around midnight Saturday, which wasn't good. The foot ball game was pretty good, BYU handed the Utes the game. Woke up at four in the morning ate breakfast and made sandwiches, mostly peanut butter with a little jelly. Then we headed off to go hiking with Phil's friend. I can say that I beat two whinny boys up a mountain.  We got there in the morning, and everything was wet, by the top of the hill our pants were soaked.  I was told I was not wet, lies. The boys were soaked, and out of breath. We saw no deer. At the top of the hill we signed the register with our names, the football score, date, and a little story that went like this "we saw and shot big foot, and am writing this down before he throws me off the hill." We read the other entries, and found out there was a trail with butterflies and deer, so turns out we didn't have to bush whack our way up the mountain, but we didn't find the trail on the way up. Funniest entry "man at the top of the mountain scared my deer away,  people who do this for fun are crazy." So we sat on the mountain eating granola bars, sandwiches, and jerky. We practiced our aim with rocks and trying to knock rocks down the mountain. We had to see who's gun was loudest, and I was momentarily deaf. Going down took around a half hour went so much faster down the mountain on the trail, no butterflies, plenty of butt sliding. Got back to the truck loaded the four wheeler, and headed to arbys (don't know how to spell it, too lazy to look it up).  I had fries with ranch and it was good. Came back and did laundry, loaded my stuff, had to tell my parents I couldn't eat dinner with them, and that made a weekend of no dinner with my family, which was sad.  All in all I spent maybe 14 hours at home this weekend mostly spent sleeping. Picked Kim up at her church, because they had ice cream I had mint, and a cherry. We were going to get gas but the place I get gas at was closed, and I had never used my debit card for gas, but the pump didn't work, so we went to Maverick, gasp.  The lady in Maverick was extremely rude, I don't even know what I did, except that I didn't know what pump I was at.  Then we went to get Erin, favorite text from her "be warned, there is a silver slug but out front."  I beat Kim to the punch quite literally.  Then it was a long ride to Logan, up the canyon and to Logan to get fruit and vegetables.  I hate leaving people in the car and wanted to be fast, but I chose the slowest oldest cashier who was jabbing at the computer, and asking me why it didn't work, just because I'm a fourth your age doesn't mean I understand it anymore then you do.  Dropped Erin off and then home sleep, Ha!  Missed running with Josh, and made it to my first class barely. I took phil'sCSU.  Wasn't that bad because hopefully I'll go to CSU. Not a lot of sleep that night. Sunday I studied, and slept. Monday was the paint dance which was pretty cool, went with Jeannie. Got painted, and ended up soaking wet. 

Quote Wall

"What are you five?"-Erin, the quote that made Erin famous
Mace Face and Snakey Jorge

"Is this someone?"-Erin, Erin on the phone with someone

"They're from Wyoming, they probably thought it was the freeway." -Jorge

"I feel stupid asking you questions." -Kim to Jorge
The Kim two k's short of triple k

"Cabbage!!!" -Erin's text to Jorge

"Oddly enough I didn't get hurt when I jumped, but Jorge did and she didn't jump." -Kim

"Kim I don't know how to do the problems I don't know how to do."-Jorge to Kim while doing physics

"Your like a duck out of water."-Jorge "Which is still a duck?"-Kim " "I guess so." conversation between friends late at night.

"So how long do I have to have an eating disorder to get into this place?" -Jorgena, after hearing about Macy's awesome job, where Nutella is the main snack.

"I eat in private and purge in public.  HEY YOU GUYS WATCH!!!"-Macy

"I don't know how to get out of here!"-Jorge "Just follow the exit arrows."-Josh Said while trying to get out of a parking garage.

"You ate it all."-Kim, this is only funny because Kim said it to Jorge after she ate a ton of ice cream, only funny because Jorge hadn't had any junk food for years.

"Isn't that the worst though? It's like you have no legitimate break up to get over, but it hurts just as much. If you need another poptart and nutella party just let me know." Erin- best roommate turned friend ever.

"Cheetah pants girl is at Wal-Mart, wearing her...Cheetah Pants!!" -Erin

"But it doesn't matter because I'm beautiful dang it." -Kim, only funny because of the funniest song ever.

"I'm going to get ice cream, and now I'm going to go work on a tree at...grandma's house."- Kim, this was Kim's rant about facebook and people sharing their life experience.

"nothing says love like life insurance." -Jorge

"I'm so cool I can run through a field full of sprinklers and get wet."-Jorge

"Tom and Jerry is joke, I am dead serious." kim

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nothing shy of amazing

Physics taught me I don't understand physics, but I'm learning. The best part of that class was shooting pop cans. After physics was the pre-vet club booth and palpating a fake cow, I found a pencil, bottle cap, a horse, and a pacifier. Interpersonal communications homework finished up my two o'clock hour, and then I was off to a chemistry study group.  I loved the study group I actually learned about orbitals, from a chemistry major. She's taking 18 credits worth of chemistry, so glad I'm only getting a chemistry minor, and not majoring in it. My interpersonal communications class followed chemistry. The whole ride up in the elevator I was thinking the elevator would get stuck, because I didn't take the stairs, but it didn't. We had an assignment, fill in the blank.
Men are (crazy)
Women are (pretty)
Homeless are (poor)
Older people are (senile)
Ethnic groups are (foreign)    Those were the first things that came to mind.

Today I was missing my best steer, Pete, because my histology teacher said what are cows good for, and I said "pets", and then he said "no, meat and milk production." 
Non stop studying from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm. I'm in Histology and my phone alarm goes off. I didn't realize it was my phone, because I forgot I set my alarm yesterday to wake me up before my physics class. I didn't shut it off until the whole class realized at the same time I did it was my phone. Which wouldn't have been bad, but there were twenty of us around a conference table. Then came Organic Chemistry and after O chem was lunch. Lunch included nachos and watching five minutes of Sydney White before heading off to Physics. Physics was learning that you can shoot something at the same time it drops and hit it.
I had dinner at Adams park, because the College of Ag gave us taco's.  This kid said hi to me, but I can never remember his name.  He know's my name, and he's told me his name half a dozen times, so I just said hi and walked away, plus I was late to my study group. After dinner it was back to the histology books, and we are a great a bunch of kids. Then I came home to find my three best friends waiting for me with toasted pop tarts. "whats a pop tart if its not toasted?"-me  "pop stupid!"-Erin  "this blog is stupid"-josh  "that's my playlist, that I listen to."-me
I love this day.  I'm beginning to feel like a free loader. This week I cooked zero meals.  Monday we were almost kicked out of the library for being extremely loud, Tuesday I finished my homework in physics and had a chem lab. O chem lab sucks, and building molecules on the computer is impossible. Just saying.
To finish up the night my Kim, Erin, and Jeannie dressed me up for the College of Ag dinner.  I tried on a half a dozen dresses, and finally we all agreed on one.  Then came accessorizing, so we matched ear ring's to dress and then necklace to dress, and then ear ring to necklace to dress, and learned a little about fashion, don't get me started on shoes. I didn't get to bed until two in the morning, and planned on running with Josh, but I set my alarm wrong, and the clock skipped an hour which actually woke me up at four, but I don't remember turning my alarm off, so I'm pretty sure I was exhausted.
This morning I woke up to Josh texting me "are you awake?" and "are you okay." I'm getting way of track to reaching my goal, and beating my brother at his own game. So far my schedule has been run two good days have two really bad days.  Tonight Josh is coming over to set goals, and go over where we need to be. Thursdays are my volunteer days, as I don't have class until 3:30, I will also fit some studying in there.

Crazy Kids

Saturday= Game day and Cliff jumping!!! We left for Porcupine Res at eleven, and stopped to wake Erin up. We had to pick up my friends car and on the way saw an awesome giraffe print jeep, ultimate safari vehicle. We decided we needed life jackets or flotation devices so we headed over to the orc, finally made it after a massive detour, because it was game day! Turns out USU shuts down on Saturday, when students can actually have fun, so went to two dollar stores, before finding arm floaters and bouncy balls. When we were kids we never had bouncy balls, and thought the were way too expensive for us, after growing up and leaning you can buy one for a dollar I feel jipped. We headed out to Porcupine, and stopped for directions mostly because the guy had two of the cutest puppies in the world. After stopping a second time because there was a grass hopper in the backseat we made our way down the road, passing paradise and Avon. Cows were grazing on the road, and off the road. Crazy Cows! I was warned the road would be steep and was told to go slow because it was gravel.  As soon as I hit the road I was brought back to summer time and driving to and from the ranch. In the summer I went twenty, this time I went ten. I parked where I was told, which happened to be at a spot where the reservoir was the widest to swim across. Bouncy balls are not good flotation devices to swim with, and we lost one.  The current that didn't seem so swift sure carried it far and fast. The swim took forever, once we were to the other side, we saw just how low the water was. Kim was a brave soul and jumped.  Jeannie sat at the top.  Erin and I climbed up, sat for ten minutes and then climbed back down and swam back and fourth across the river, at a narrower spot.  We played fetch with a dog, and met a man who had a hangover and was trying not to pass out. By the time we left I was freezing and my lips were blue, so we had a heater in September, which seems an awful pity. We got home in time to get ready for the game, first time I had my face painted, and first time we watched an entire Aggie game. 54-17. After the game we had ice cream, and I had to write my paper on testosterone and aggression in men.  After that we watched you tube videos with Rob, and recounted many memories. One memory made this year was staying up until two in the morning waiting for our zucchini cobbler, (which tasted an awful lot like apple cobbler). While we were waiting we watched the better half of a Canadian tv series called Haven. Baking with Rob and Kim, is nothing shy of fun. I think we started the cobbler at eight, but before the cobbler we wanted a snack so we made zucchini chips, but before that we had to pick the zucchini, which meant we also had to pick the other vegetables that were ripe.  None of us have a one track brain, so we ended up singing songs, and dancing and telling stories and watching videos, and then four hours later the cobbler went in the oven.  

Friday was the ninth and was an awful tiring day all around. Friday was the first time I feel asleep while studying. During histology I was actually doing pretty good at locating tissues on the slides, after an initial period of not being able to focus my microscope. I think I've been told by my professor "remember the microscope views things upside down and backwards," half a dozen times, we've had two labs. Great class! After lab I bought my psychology books, I sat down to read it and woke up four hours later.  Which would have been fine any other night but girls night, thank's to Erin's text, "If I ever wake up" we could start. So we headed out on our grand adventure to Walmart to get ice cream, and peaches, this was a night not to think of cabbage. Upon our return we made peanut butter cookies, a first, the hardest thing about cookies is spacing on the cookie sheet and time in the oven. The plan: deliver them to Rich 201, aka the room we lived in last year. They loved the cookies, and then we made our way home through the Fudge cemetery. We were twenty feet in when a car pulled in  behind us with a megaphone. My heart dropped a little, because I thought this would be the first time I would get a ticket, a ticket for trespassing or something. The fudge cemetery has a clear sign that says "NO ADMITTANCE AFTER DARK."
How Fudge Cemetery got its name
That won't stop us from spending the night though. (In Logan you have to make bucket lists of things to do before you graduate.)  Too scared to run, I just stood there.  Our cop turned out to be a kid with a mega phone, and after parking there for thirty seconds and shouting in the mega phone, he bid us ado by wishing us a great night, and  we returned to our walk. We jumped the fence, no battle scars this time, and made our way to the elementary maze. We met some fellow college students and played one crazy game of tag, before going our separate ways. We went down the slide by Reeder, and rode the bicycle statue, we were invited to play ultimate Frisbee, but decided to watch The Roommate instead. We ate ice cream and cookies, which is unusual for my roommates so see me eating that. I went my entire college career without sugar.  That ended this summer. The Roommate was weird, twisted movie, after the movie ended, I fell asleep on the couch, and woke up when my roommate was coming towards me with a blanket at three in the morning, which made me jump a little. At six in the morning, I went running up the canyon and across the mountain with Josh. I ran the whole way, no more walking up hills for me.  We got back at a quarter to eight, had pop tarts, then I went back to sleep, he had to go to work.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

surprised adoption

My life with advisers. Elementary my parents were my adviser and told me I could be anything I wanted. So at five I decided Veterinarian was the right fit for me. My teachers fostered that desire, and then I learned about junior high. Junior high introduced me to my first counselor, Mr. M. During our first meeting about future careers, I told him I was going to be a Veterinarian.  His response "wouldn't you rather be an assistant, or technician." I told him I would rather be a Veterinarian. His response "I think assistant would be a better fit." Thank you Mr. M. High school led me down a road with two years with a counselor who wanted to be Mr. Cool and not help me at all.  Luckily I had two years with a counselor who set me up with internships and honors classes. When I got to college I was excited to take classes and get involved with my major. My first semester meeting with my adviser I felt like I was in Junior high again.  I was asked what I was getting in my biology class, and said around a B, her response, "I was expecting lower." Second semester I went in for a tentative schedule, and this is what I was told, "I would recommend you take a personal communications class."  Ha! I am in that class now and I love it, although I'm not sure its helping with interpersonal communication, I mostly laugh. Third semester I went to see my adviser. I asked her if there was a penalty for taking the gre twice, her response "I don't know, I'm not on the board that goes over scores." I thought she should at least have an idea because every student she deals with has to take the gre. I asked her what classes I needed to take, and she told me I had to take human physiology and anatomy.  I asked her when that class became a requirement, and she said it had always been a requirement. So I ignored that, and continued on with the meeting.  Then finally I asked her "when did vet schools require human phys." Her response "Vet school, I thought you wanted to go to med school."  If I wanted med school why would I  make an appointment with the college of agriculture adviser, directly over pre-vet students?  Then I asked her if she knew of any research opportunities. She of course said no, and gave me a list of Professor's emails. Adding classes for my junior year, I find out she is in charge of undergrad research programs.  So nice of her to tell me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


For my Psychology of genders class we had to write what we know about Men and Women, so here is a draft. 
Men are typically larger, broader and built for working. They commonly have shorter hair, facial hair, and are taller. Growing up with men I have learned they are very direct in communication.  Men like to get to the point, and avoid using lots of details.They are more reserved and don't express thier feelings verbally.  Men are healthy, and seem to have a very good immune system.  Men can eat junk food and survive.  Men are very protective, and like to be in control. A man’s role in parenting is typically the enforcer. Men like to try and fix things and work with their hands, so they will generally do well in more hands on and analytical classes. Boys growing up are very active as children, and experimental.  Boys are willing to try anything, even if it means wearing a cast the whole summer. Men’s biggest strength is being straightforward, and their weakness is being simple.
Women are usually more petite and built for child bearing and rearing. Women look feminine, softer features, typically with longer hair and shorter. Women tell a story when they communicate.  They are very verbal and descriptive and use their hands and body language a lot. Women are very good at persuasion by guilt trip.  Women seem to fall victim to being sick more and longer than men. A woman’s role in parenting is the nurturer; always there to listen, and comfort, men just want to fix things. If women put time into their education they are very good with left brain activities. Women tend to think they have the whole world on thier shoulders and must rise to the occassion always. Girls growing up tend to play with dolls, and are pushed into homemaking activities. However they excel in most everything they do.  Women’s strength is being able to express themselves, women’s weakness is trusting men. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011


 Here's to summer never ending.  Here's to running outside with short sleeves. Here's to sandals, and spinning fans. Here's to hiking and biking, and sleeping without blankets.
Fourth of July Fun, This summer no parade just fireworks in Yerington, which were awesome. 
 Here's to the best season out there. Here's to driving with the windows down.  Here's to not wearing sweat shirts and star gazing at midnight.  Here's to evening strolls in tank tops. Here's to sun bathing, swimming in lakes, reservoirs, and swimming pools.
 There are three weeks of summer left, and not even Logan can take that away from me.  I'm not a fan of winter and snow and freezing temperatures. I'm not a fan of wearing layers to school, only to strip down to nothing, because custodians don't know how to regulate temperatures. Here's to not embarrassing myself on the ice rink because even after two years of lessons, I still fall.
 Here's to not skiing, because even after many lessons I still go thirty feet when I make a pizza with my skis. Here's to not getting hurt while sledding.  Not a fan of slipping on ice, because no matter how desolate the road is, someone will see me, and laugh. Here's to not walking into wind from the canyon/arctic seas.  Let it be known that hot chocolate is not a cold season drink, and can be had every day.  Here is to enjoying a nice fall.  Leaves changing colors, and pumpkins. Here's to a nice hunting season, and possibly getting something if I come along.  Here's to settling in for a long semester of homework, and studying.
Study Study
Here's to the end of a long journey, and the beginning of a new adventure.  Here's to all of us.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Junior Year

Here goes another school year. Monday was full of classes and seeing old faces. I don't remember a lot about Monday other then it was the first day of my first physics and interpersonal communications class. Physics required, interpersonal communications recommended to me by my adviser. In communications we were asked to make a list of our strengths and weaknesses in communication. My list went a little something like this.
Strengths:                                 Weaknesses:
eye  contact                              Nervous
common interests                      opinionated
funny                                         Quiet
stories                                       Horrible Listener
openness                                   Shy
                                                 Zero filter
Somebody put good listener on their strengths and professor said I'm surprised not listening isn't under weaknesses, when I very timidly raised my hand and said I have it. Communications should be a good class besides the speaking in public.
Tuesday I had a physics lab, and then I donated blood. Tuesday night they played Thor on old main. We went down as a dorm room, minus two. I am awful at watching movies, I have to be doing something else even now, I'm typing doing homework and watching a movie. During Thor I left for a half hour, came back and slept, not that I could see or hear the movie to begin with, but I need to work on my movie watching skills.
Wednesday I slept, and went to classes, ran, and then slept for 12 hours.
Thursday I didn't go running, because I slept in, completing my twelve hours of sleep. Went to my physics lab and went and sat in the wrong room, sat for a good five minutes before I realized everybody had an ecosystems book, I needed the next room down. Walked into that room,  nobody was there, the door shut behind me, sent my friend a text and went to leave, but the door wouldn't open.  I put full force on the door and came bursting through the door into a crowded hall way near panic on my face.
I think the hardest thing about this year is not knowing where home is. I've kind of broken down and asked for some sort of guidance. I don't know whether to fast or give something up for forty days.  Sophomore year I was so sure of myself and who I was, where I was going. I realized this year I'm growing up way too fast. Wheres the brick that was promised to be placed on my head to stop me from growing when I was six.  Most days I sleep a lot, I added another class to my schedule which will make for eighteen credits. I hope that is enough to keep me studying and preparing for school.  This year I will take the GRE, and study for it, hopefully get involved in research, volunteer at the elementary school, first time officer in the pre-vet club, member of animal science-raising cows and what not. Busy year hopefully the vet schools love me. While boot shopping, we came across a store, I thought it was called pharmacy and market, and commented on what a strange  name, when my friend said, that's Walmart.
Friday the final day in the week, TGIF, I can say goodbye to the longest week of my life, longer then my last week at the ranch, longer then spring break spent in the hospital, longer then the week before graduation, or the week before my  birthday, well maybe not that long. Went running, I'm starting to wake up late, which is no bueno. Luckily I have someone to run with, or else I'd have gone back to bed. I'm going to start my marathon training Monday, or Tuesday depending on when my brother leaves, probably Monday.  I signed up to be a volunteer for a spook run the day before Halloween, which means I can't run in, but I can see how a five-k is set up for and planned for. At the beginning of this year I though Lil wayne's song how to love was the song of my life, now I would say its I get a little bet stronger.  I don't even know why I feel jaded.  Friday night, we found our old roommates and we went to an institute thing and ate, and the plan was to go feed fish popcorn, but we didn't really know where there was a fish pond. So we ended up walking to the quad, and then we were going to go to the fish pond, then we were going to go kidnap one of our friends so we turned around and walked down old main to his house.  We were ready to surprise him with our spelling of KIM, however nobody answered, so we decided to find our other old roommate, only we ran into our friend on the way down, so then we talked for a while, but he had a date, so we all went our separate ways. Only his date was one house down from where our other roommate lived. We did a little creeping to see if we were at the right house, luckily we were. We ended up sitting and talking and re-hashing old times for the better part of three hours.  We left at eleven thirty and I wanted some sort of doughnut so we walked down to Smiths only they put their doughnuts away at midnight. We headed down to a gas station, until we discovered the invention of nutella on pop tarts.  We had to meander our way through the streets of Logan. Pretty epic we hopped a fence, climbed on dumpsters to get to higher sidewalks, may have trespassed some just to end up on the wrong side of the road, walking up a median, as cars come towards you at top slow speeds. Got to the pop tart house and  had pop tarts and nutella, and it was really good. Finally went to bed, at two in the morning.
Saturday was family drama, and swimming at Bear Lake, probably my new favorite spot, Angies for giant hamburgers and scones, cruising McDonald's parking lot, asking burger king if we can cruise their parking lot, perfume samples at the mall, the biggest game of chess and beating a tough competitor, parts of Mickey Blue eyes, and movies with the sibling, friends, and roommates, early morning walmart runs, and bacon for breakfast, two hour ride home with the bass up, beto's burritos, and brownies, plus no school on Monday. Thank goodness for good friends, who get you through hard times, by promising to make you eat your weight in ice cream.