Thursday, April 18, 2013


Summer jeans!!
Sometimes I think people are guilty of over thinking situations, and over reacting.  I would know, I do it a lot.
In case you are wondering, the thing on my mind as of early is the Dove sketch artist commercial.
Their point was to improve woman's self image.  The result, if you ask the right people, was demeaning woman, by leading them to believe that they have to fit a specific Hollywood image. That image, thin, fair, and beautiful. And normally I would jump on this feminist bandwagon, perhaps I'm not jumping on board because I fit that description. Well I fit it to a nearly imperfect T!
 Honestly I do get tired of hearing about the "beautiful" stereotype.  That stereotype from what I understand, and have heard from many women over the years, is you have to be thin, in shape (but not too muscly), perfect hair, perfect features, not too many freckles, blond, tall (but not too tall), long legs, big breasts small waist, tan but not orange, perfect teeth, pretty much overall in proportion, smart but not too smart, successful but humble, contacts not glasses, straight hair, perfect makeup, perfect clothes, perfect smile, perfect laugh, you must be Perfect. You must be PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL. Cause that makes sense.
As every feminist does I would of course love to blame a man for creating this impossible image.  This is a mans world so he had to have created this definition of beauty. However every guy I have ever met doesn't want this super skinny, can't walk up a flight of stairs without stopping midway to catch their breath, big breasted small waist-ed, fall over because you are not proportional, bronzed, bright eyed, glowing smile, perfect sighted being.  I mean lets be honest, of course this type of man exists.
Umm yeah I went there
A lot of our image of beauty, perhaps all of it comes from the media, and of course the media is right. Why can't we embrace our inner beauty, and let it shine through? I am goofy, I'm immature, I'm smart, opinionated, I have blond hair and blue eyes, I'm a size eight, I've run a marathon, I have scars, I'm pink in the winter and red in the summer, I snort when I laugh, my big toes aren't identical, my teeth aren't as straight as my hair, and if I wear makeup it covers my beauty and other "imperfections".  But I'm okay with this, I'm okay with me. I'm the product of two entirely different people, and I think God did a damn good job of putting my genes together. My family thinks I'm gorgeous, my boyfriend thinks I'm beautiful, and my friends think I'm sublime, which is good because I think they are superb.
In a world that is so diverse who has the authority to define beautiful?
Honestly I think the advertisement reached its goal of making women take a good look at themselves and see how they truly view themselves and how they should be viewing themselves.  If we are told everyday what beautiful is according to those around us, how on Gods green earth are we supposed to look in the mirror and see beauty? We all need to see ourselves in a positive light.
Pete is beautiful, if someone called me a cow, I'd probably take it is a compliment  though
If one thing comes from this post it is that all of us realize the beauty around us.  People are not dogs, wales, pigs, heifers, hippos, elephants. People are people.  I mean you can point out to someone they they are fat, because it's not like they haven't already figured that out.  Men are beautiful, women are beautiful, but cows (the actual animal) are perhaps the most beautiful.  Embrace your imperfections, embrace your beauty, embrace yourself...

My beautiful brother

Larry boy is beautiful 
I think this is quite honestly the most beautiful picture

sometimes I forget how cloths are supposed to go on

I fail at the hipster style, but sometimes I try
and I also went here

Oh yes me as a brunette with a Utah bump

I should probably stay in this century 

I'm awesome.  What else can I say?

This could actually be me

More hair than head

If I wore glasses these would be mine 

We hike and we look good doing it

I can write in the space between these two pictures, which I think is pretty cool. 

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