Monday, April 8, 2013

Long Distance makes for long lasting memories

Another dreaded sappy blog about the long distance relationship.
I think some hearts are meant to find each other, souls are meant to be reunited. Whether it is from birth in the case of my siblings and parents, or finding the one person, from words of the infamous Sid from Ice Age, "completes you."
Sometimes I think we are hilarious, and our texts make me laugh days after, so I lock them, only to update the blog and delete them to make space.
Me "Are you ready to play?"
Him "Play what?"
"Nothing I was just making conversation."
"Or if we went to bed earlier we could wake up earlier and play then. 10?"
"What are you 80?"
"85 which is why it should be 8:30."

Living in different cities means having to leave, which means having to say goodbye.  I hate goodbyes, I'm still terrible at them. They usually include not wanting to leave and never letting go.

Me "I will see you in a couple of weeks."
Him "What? You left already?"
"I hate goodbyes. But I left something on your doorstep. Okay pumpkin?"
"No, not okay."
I was standing on his doorstep. If I would have left, I would have been in copious amounts of trouble.

After goodbyes comes withdrawals. They do hit hard.

Him "On my own pretending you're beside me.  All alone I walk the streets till morning."
Me "You are so dramatic."
"Going through withdrawals it isn't pretty."
"It never is, unless its me, then it is beautiful."

Completing quotes from Cool Running's is something that has happened.
Him "Wait coach we aren't sledding yet."
Me "Oh yes we are!"
"Come here come here I love you come here."

Also quotes from Princess Bride

Me "I do not think that word means what you think it means."
Him "Did you watch princess bride?"
"No, why?"
"That is what that quote is from."

Sometimes we get lonely and miss each other terribly.
Me "You should smile."
Him "Can't smiler is busted."
"Even if I tick tick tickle you?"
"Come home."

This is how I feel a lot of the time.

"Josh, sometimes I get jealous of the couples walking around campus holding hands and then, I figure their hands are probably freezing."

I'm surprised he answers half the questions I ask him.

Me "What comes to mind if I say Romanian dead lifters?"
Him "Short pale weight lifters.

Me "Can we raise guinea pigs and dip their feet in paint and sell their adorable prints for all the money?"
Him "Si."
"Okay cool we will have to invest in leather gloves.  Guinea pigs are biters."

We do play all the love games.

Him "I love you more than you love stickers."
Me "That's a pretty bold statement."
"and I mean it too."

Him "Are you sending me love notes?"
Me "I don't know what you're talkin bout boy."
"uh huh sure"
"Who me couldn't be, does it have a reference to Iowa?"
"Nope wasn't me."
"Must have been."
"Does it have a cheesy pick up line?"
"The cheesiest."
"Man I'm a good guesser!"

Me "I love you."
Him "I love you more."
"I love you the most."
"No way."
"Did you mean to write Norway?"
"um don't think so."

Sometimes we have arguments and hang up on each other, and other times we miss the calls.

Him "I tried to call you and your phone went to straight to voice mail."
Me "I turned it off because it was acting like a hormonal teenager."
"Indeed it kept killing Edwardo."
"Edwardo, my hill climb racer."

Sometimes he disappoints me.

Me "Do you want to tell me something? When you were eleven you didn't get a Hogwarts acceptance letter? That was single handedly the most defining moment of my life.  Are you a...a muggle??"
Him "I   I am."

Sometimes I surprise him.

Me "Can't do anything from Logan he says. Did you get flicked on the ear?"
Him "Dangit yes."

Luckily we do get to spend time together, so we do have a few inside jokes, mainly this one.

Him "Peas and cheese."
Me "I will throw up on you."

Breaks from school are always exciting and we just can't hide it.

Me "Umm so its basically spring break I'm going to tip you back."
Him "Tip me back?"
"Like a movable seat or a beer bottle. Its endearing just roll with it."

A lot of the time we have to tell each other about our day through text, and everything gets lost in translation.

Me "My face is so refreshed"
Him "Did you wash it with fast orange mechanic soap?"

Him "Just made a cart."
Me "Was it magical?"
"It wont let me download the picture, but I'm imagining a cart that can be pulled by two people.  Rather large wooden tires, the cart is about four by four made out of pine. Just perfect for transferring part of your life up a mountain with your best friend or indentured servant.  Am I close?
"Not really no."

This long distance thing can be frustrating. Luckily I've had him by my side through all the mishap and drama. When I'm crying on his shoulder he still tells me how lucky he is.

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