Monday, April 22, 2013

Gluten is not for me

September of 2012 I made a huge decision...actually my body made the decision my mind fell in line...a year and a half later. 

Gluten is found in everything from bread to chips.  Here is a short synopsis of gluten.  Gluten is a protein composite found in wheat, barley and rye.  Gluten is what helps bread rise, and make bread, bread. Crackers, bread, muffins, bagels (yes bagels), pop tarts (biggest bummer), pizza, noodles, cake, cookies, candy, seasonings, gravy, and more all contain the dread gluten.

Around a year and a half ago I started getting really bad heart burn, stomach aches, and overall indigestion.  Not knowing why, I just continued on the the road I was headed. After I started dating, and going on dates and getting sick, we decided to figure out what was making me sick. After cutting things out of my diet and adding things back in, gluten was the factor. 

While still getting used to a gluten free diet I consumed a deep fried sushi roll.  After going a week without any problems, this bite sized amount of gluteney goodness landed me with a terrible stomach ache and many minutes visiting the ladies room, (point being I was sick). The best way to describe the pain that eating gluten causes is like having a monster living in your gi using it as a jungle gym. 

Someone asked me if I was devastated after finding out gluten was making me sick, I was like "yeah, because my whole life revolves around products containing gluten." The opposite is true, I am more conscious of what I eat, and have less gastro intestinal problems. Before going gluten free, each meal consumed was consumed with trepidation.  I mean it does suck that scones, chicken fried steak, and biscuits and gravy are off the table (pun intended), but it's not the end of the world. If I ever live in the south though, I'll probably starve. 

I always thought that food allergies were somewhat a figment of the imagination. However, the problems that gluten has created made food allergies a huge reality and all too true.  Gluten free is not a life choice I would ever choose, it makes eating difficult to say the least. Difficult not only for me, but for family and friends as well.  My diet change has definitely affected those around me. Whether it is going to dinner at a friends house or out to eat.   Gluten is everywhere. For breakfast one morning we went to a restaurant that was famous for scones. Which sucks, when you are the only one in the restaurant that can't eat the prize winning dish. It is just something you have to work around. I can't say that there is anything containing gluten that is worth eating.  Luckily as people become more aware there are more food choices. Stores carry a wide variety of gluten free noodles, cookies, bread, and even spices and gravy's, even restaurants are carrying a gluten free menu.  
Josh and I joke that we complete each other because he is lactose intolerant and I can't have gluten.  We also joke that for the same reasons we can never eat anything. 


  1. I have a really yummy recipe for a gluten-free tangerine cake I should give you someday, if you like to bake. It's easy to make and seems so elegant you'll make everyone else jealous while they're eating their gluten goodies. Hey, I think it's even non-dairy.

  2. That sounds really good. I used to bake all the time. I need some good gluten free recipes to get started again.
