Monday, April 8, 2013

Bruised but not Broken

The past couple months have been an uphill climb, on the plus side my calf muscles are outstanding. I'll start with an indirect quote "God gives those that are strong the hardest challenges because they can handle it." Life doesn't break us unless we let it, it makes us stronger.  When the next tragedy, accident, misfortune
comes along, we can say "Is that all you got?" (Don't do that. God will give your dad a bone infection, multiple deaths, a car accident, and minor surgery.)
First, my Grandma was diagnosed with cancer, and I was told she probably wouldn't be coming home again. I came home for the first weekend she was in the hospital and my brother and I sat on her bed listening to stories and exchanging plans. After a couple of hours I was in a hurry to leave and get my car from the mechanic.  At the time the severity of the disease hadn't hit me, and I imagined the next weekend I would be visiting her at home.  I wish I could live that day over again.  My grandma regressed, it seemed to happen so slow, but looking back, it progressed rather quickly. Almost everything beats holding the hand of someone you love through gloved hands and kissing them through a mask. Not to mention when you hug them they withdraw in pain. My Grandma passed away on a Saturday. I was driving when I found out, and half of me was expecting her to go any day, the other half was holding onto the hope of a miracle. After finding out I didn't make it a block before I had to pull over and let everything go.  It has taken a long time to see that her leaving was a miracle. My Grandma and Grandpa are together again, and I know she is happy with him and not in pain.
Second, my Grandma's passing was a miracle because she was in the car with my mom when it rolled. After my grandma's viewing, Josh and I left for Provo a little while after my parents left.  On the way home we saw around ten cop cars, and the events that unraveled never entered my mind. I got a phone call from my brother telling us to go to the Payson hospital, and then I got a phone call from my aunt telling us to go to the Payson hospital. So to the Payson Hospital we went. My mom was in an awful roll over accident, that totaled the car. When we got to the hospital her blood pressure was dropping, and she was flown to the Provo hospital where they could better handle the situation. She had a deep laceration to her head requiring 24 staples.  This accounted for the low blood pressure. She had orthopedic surgery for a broken right leg, and a boot on her broken left leg.  She also had three broken ribs, and broken vertebra.  It is a miracle she is alive, and it is a miracle she is not in worse condition. In a couple weeks she will be home.  Until then she is receiving all the visitors. I am so thankful.
When tragedies strike, it can be a humbling experience. So many people have been so willing to help, and give support.

The front...could be worse

How to make a Toyota into a Volkswagen.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to spend the time you could with Grandma. Wish I could have been down to say goodbye. I'm glad your mom is doing well. :}
