Friday, November 30, 2012's what i do

   This was day three of running-again. I've done two three mile runs outside and one two mile run inside.  My leg muscles spasm and freak out, get weak, and cause me to stumble. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't insist I run hills. However, Logan consists of 90% uphill, 5% downhill, and 5% flat. My choices are limited when I chose outside. So far the weather in Utah is nothing like the weather in Utah.  It has been balmy for the most part, very little snow, some rain, clear nights, and cloudy mornings. It's slightly confusing because you know- It's November.  I think today was my last warm run of the season, I've been told it is going to storm.
    This week should finish up the stiff leg and painful muscles, and weird running style my body has conformed to. My running used to be smooth. Okay my running style used to be more effortless.  There are two modes of running according to me; leg running and body running.  Leg running is getting all the power from your legs (what I am doing now).  It is hard because your legs power every movement and every foot feels like a mile. Body running is getting your whole body in the run including your mind. It's a fluent polished run, you set your mind on autopilot and just run. You don't have to think about it or push yourself, every part of you is committed and all you have to do  is move.  
     My last run was the 5k Zombie run in Provo. It was a fun and an adrenaline induced run. Zombies chasing you is enough to make anyone's heart beat faster. They were pretty relentless infecting people right up to the finish line.  Of course the zombies were not popular among the crowd, and were "booed" for pulling flags.  My fancy footwork and cat like reflexes insured my survival (in case you were wondering). Half of that run was sprinting, and left me with a nasty hacking cough. Pretty positive I have exercise induced asthma...which sucks. After runs in the cold (Logan) I'm left with a cough and wheezy breathing, lasts anywhere from five hours to three days, w, such is life. 
    The Zombie 5k finished up my last legit run of the season.  This year I ran my marathon, half marathon, 10k and 5k. It was a successful and eventful year, and I would like to thank everyone who pushed, supported and ran with me.  Thank you to all the people who were my inspiration to start  running, keep running, and get in shape.

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