Thursday, November 29, 2012

Are we that different

My roommate recently read this to me " The concept of games holds a different connotation for children than adults.  For children games are play like, vigorous, skillful, challenging, having rules." This made me laugh for a good thirty five seconds, before I asked, "how is that different from how adults view games?"
Are adults really that different from children? Have we lost our ability to have fun or make fun? Does fun exist in the adult world?
I think that our idea of fun evolves as we get older. For some fun is going to a club, or bar, or Vegas.  Fun can still be jumping in leaves, hide and go seek, toilet tag or one of the various types of tags that catch on.  The funnest thing during elementary p.e. was playing with the parachute. Running under a giant piece of fabric was the best thing ever.

I dare you to have fun, I challenge you to make a game, use whatever you have left of your imagination.

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