Thursday, November 29, 2012

Best buds

Occasionally she has accidents

I have not "blogged" for some time. Summer took my time and left me with a tan. So I can't complain. A lot happened over the summer, but I will skip to the present.
I am a senior now, and this has been the fastest four years.  I was lucky enough to go all four years at the same university with my best friend, Kim. We went to high school, junior high, and elementary together. This year is crazy and filled with mixed emotions.  I don't know to laugh or cry, so I just shrug my shoulders. Kim is going on a mission and I'm graduating.
Missions are a positive thing, and I know she will rock... ahem teach. It will be one of the best experiences, and she has got my support.  She told me she was going, and then she asked me how I felt. Thousands of things were running through my head, but mostly I didn't want her to go. As much as I don't want her to go, I do want her to go, and will support her one hundred percent.  Since high school I had dreaded the day she would go. I also realized how selfish it would be of me to put any negative spin on her going to serve her church. I am proud and happy for her. I laugh to think of the novels she will get from me. I don't think more than two days go by that we don't talk.  You would think we get enough of each other rooming at school.  Ha!  We don't!  Every break we call each other, hang out, and usually talk for hours.
The closest thing to a sister we are encroaching our tenth year of knowing one another, and I dare say there isn't a person who knows me better.
Let me tell you about Kim.  She can beat you up, but won't. She only thinks she's shy, but just get her talking.  She can long board better than anyone.  She is almost a pro hand ball player. She understands math. She has long brown hair that I am slightly jealous of because it is so shiny.  She can get along with anyone and won't judge you, until she has had plenty of time to know you.  She's the best person to talk to and leave your children with. Her driving is probably very similar to her flying. Another thing, she wants to be a pilot.  Her favorite scent is not airplanes, its citrus. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing pink. She will probably read this and punch my car for helping her many stalkers get to know her just that much more. She will alwas  be there for me, and our inside jokes are more numerous than the jokes we actually know. She doesn't bruise easily, has mad rock climbing skills, and once she gets past her immediate fear she is fearless. She is a beautiful girl that hates having her picture taken, so cherish these rare finds. My computer will probably be confiscated and these will be destroyed.
Roommate picture sophomore year 

We gangsta crusin' in the lincoln

Pretty legit fire fighters

Need I say more? 
She is at the top

Red neck water slide

She loves watermelon, but loves pineapple more

when the girl cleans, she cleans everything

yep that's Kim on the window seat

When the apocalypse comes we will survive

even more rare than pictures are pictures of Kim in a dress

Great babysitting skills, in case he catches on fire he's right by the fire extinguisher. 
Here is to Kim!

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