Friday, September 13, 2013

UVU Sucks

There are many reasons why UVU is the worst choice when looking for schools to attend. I suggest unless you are getting absolutely free tuition, this is including fees (yes they will pay your "tuition", but you still have to dish out another $500 in "school fees"), housing (however there is no on campus housing, the nearest UVU housing is across the freeway, and parking.  Don't get me started on their parking, or lack of parking. For another fee you can park next to a door and pay a dollar an hour, or you can opt for a permit and park a quarter mile away, don't worry their professors always have ample parking space. If you opt out of paid parking go ahead and check out their free lot a mile away, if you aren't there before eight, forget about finding a spot. Free sounds pretty good, but oh wait there is a mile trek you will encounter, so leave plenty of time. You don't want to walk? No worries, you can take the shuttle.  It comes oh about every 15 minutes and it leaves in another ten minutes.  So don't worry about running to catch the shuttle you have a good eight minutes before it leaves. They don't post times the shuttle comes, everything is just helter skelter, so good luck relying on that for transportation.
Now back to the Professors, or what they have termed professors, they have found the absolute worst God awful professors to "teach."  If you are expecting a "college education", by the time you leave this institution think again.  You will have gained nothing but frustration, or patience depending on your personality.  Most of their professors have an accent, deep accents, can't understand accents, so don't bother listening to lecture, you won't be able to understand it.  Second, their professors don't know how to teach, so don't expect to learn anything. If you happen to buy the book and teach yourself good luck, the only thing that is impressive is the tutoring labs.  I guess it should be because you will spend ninety percent of your time there. I'm 80% sure half of their professors are disgruntled BYU dropouts. If you happen to get a Professor that is understandable, and knowledgeable about the topic at hand then props.  Soon you will have your first test, and you can deal with their testing center, perhaps slightly more organized than their counseling center.
Transferring classes?  Don't bother. UVU likes to recognize...well UVU recognizes its own sub par classes and that is it. It will take you approximately three weeks of bullshit to transfer classes, so start early. During that time, you will transfer your classes by sending in your transcript (at an actual university this is all it will take), talk to an adviser, be transferred to another adviser, transferred to the head of the department, transferred to the "Professor" , back to the original adviser, to the next adviser, to a department head, back to a secretary who finally gets the go ahead. Wow! That was so worth it you will think to yourself.
Because this "University" is so new to universityhood don't expect to deal with professionals, who know their job. Don't expect a school that communicates with other universities. Most of all don't expect a school that likes or even appreciates their student body or the fact that they pay "fees." IF you don't expect anything from a university, then this is a great school.
I would never promote BYU, but yes even BYU is a better school than the little college in the valley that couldn't.

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