Monday, September 30, 2013

Girls want...

My mom asked me what the two things girls could never have too many of.  According to me it's cows and trucks.  The real answer was shoes and friends.  Sure I love my shoes, and my friends.  But keeping both at sane numbers keeps life organized and helpful. There will be an interview that will ask a very important question; describe yourself. Well okay. For those who have never met me I will, this might be dangerous with all the inter webs crime.  I will, just don't steal my identity.
I am 21, I grew up around animals and my exposure to people was limited until school which forced human interaction on me at an early age. I have three older brothers which makes me the youngest and only girl. I never liked sports until I got to college where I picked up running, and then like Forrest Gump, if I was going anywhere I was running.  Quite literally, you just get places faster.  I've run five and ten k's, full and half marathons. I also became the avid hiker and backpacker.  I love camping always have. Hunting was not always my favorite but I loved going with my family, riding four wheelers, sleeping outside, and eating camping/hunting food. I was given the nick name sharp eyes, for my ability to see deer, and other critters in the mountains. I'm not all tom boy I do love shopping on the rare occasion I need a new pair of jeans, and every other year I like to paint my nails and where jewelry. I love my best girlfriends; watching movies, eating ice cream, and talking in general.  I've had to make the distinction between favorite books and books I've been forced to read. I always say my favorites are textbooks, because honestly I don't remember the last book I read that wasn't a textbook. But I have recently started reading Lincoln Vampire Slayer, and I love it. I have always wanted to be a Veterinarian. Wanting to be a Vet is not something that happened freshman year of college when I had to decided what road I wanted to take.  This has been something I have been working towards since I was a kid. When we were three and four my mom would hold up cards with words, and the only one I remember is the one that said Veterinarian.  I fell in love with the meaning and hid the card under my pillow every night, and returned it to the stack every evening.  When other kids were playing on bikes at seven I was collecting fertilized eggs to stick in my incubators and training the chicks I had already hatched. Around my neighborhood I was known for taking care of animals.  Neighbors would bring me orphaned puppies, kittens, I got pigeons, chickens and pheasants, to take care of and then find homes for. In elementary I designed science experiments that took me to the regional and state science fairs, hoping this would look good to Vet schools ten and fifteen years down the road. Animals are my way of life and helping them is my dream.  I love working cars, I love driving cars, sometimes I wish I drove trucks for a living.
I like parades 
I like riding horses 

I love turtles 

I hate being cold and wet

I love being an aggie

I love halloween 

I love my friends and cookies 

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