Monday, September 30, 2013

Garbage and groceries

I think all too often the only things in life that go continually forgotten in my life are buying groceries and taking out the garbage. The last thing on my mind on Sunday night or Monday morning is take the garbage out. I suppose leaving the garbage can out by the road would be the logical next move for an altogether important chore that is always forgotten. Call it laziness or forgetfulness I never remember to take the garbage out.

Groceries, this probably surprises everyone, because its food.  Everyone needs food to survive and what not. However with all of the fast food joints and family members willing to invite us in for dinner over and over again, who remembers to get groceries. Even tonight it is Josh's birthday so we are going out for lunch, and we were invited to a bbq tonight.  Ha, one more day that I can put off a necessary chore. This month was really bad, the only thing we bought was milk, bread and candy. I really wish that I liked shopping more.

Even as I am typing this I'm thinking yep I should really go get groceries, oh and take the garbage out.  I would probably tip the garbage man if he came and got the can for me...I know I would tip that man. I'd give him more if he did my shopping as well.

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