Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This is such a touchy topic, that usually goes avoided, but almost every woman will have one. This post is for my best friend, and hopefully I will remember to send it to her mission self.  Most women would say "I wish men had periods too", to which I would reply "I don't." Should they have them instead of women...well yeah.  The inspiration for this post is an unfortunate camping trip, and most of you will question my sanity after reading.
I went up to Logan for the weekend after feeling a little resentment of being in a committed relationship and losing my independence. I had a really good time, I stayed with my friend, and ex...roommate.  We ate pizza, and ice cream and watched all the movies. The next day I went and visited another friend, and we took a visit to the Logan Zoo, I held a chinchilla, and dove, and I want to say parrot. After holding the animals, we had to chase a crazy looking creature off it's nest. I promptly left Logan after that, and had a two hour drive to think of everything on mind. Relationships; mine and others, school, past, present, animals, houses, food, diets, exercising, movies, cars, army, careers, etc. So when I got to my boyfriend's house, I was in quite the mood. At first I wanted to see him, and then I wanted to go back to Logan, and then I wanted to go camping, and then I wanted to leave, and then I wanted to be next to him, and then I never wanted to see him again, and then I just wanted him to do what I wanted him to do. Gah! All of the hormones that come with being a girl, sometimes it gets old, but luckily it is almost never this bad.
Looking back on the weekend honestly I'm surprised we are still going strong.  I will give you a little insight to our adventure. It all started with a trip to Moroni to drop my new but broken car off at the shop. I stopped at my house to pick up some camping stuff (at this time I was in a good mood, we were doing what I wanted), and I told him I would meet him at the store. Then we drove to Moroni, (which was fine because I was driving). We dropped the car off and it was all downhill from there.  I love camping in the rain, because I love hearing rain on a tent in the mountains. We were in Moroni and it started raining, luckily we had a tarp in the truck, so we "covered" everything. Josh was hungry, I was hungry but didn't admit to it, we were both tired, and I was a factory of emotions. We plugged in the gps to tell us where food was, nothing came up. We turned around to find food, we turned around because I decided it was too dark to go camping, we turned around because I wanted to go camping again, we turned around because it was raining, we turned around again because I wanted to go in the rain, we turned around three times. But that was just the beginning.  We got to our camping location and parked.  I wanted to hike to the top of the mountain, but it was much too wet and dark for that to haul all of our stuff to the top. So instead I had to "settle" for halfway up the mountain camping. Then we got out of the truck to get our stuff only to find a small portion of it was wet. I picked up my pillow that was damp, and probably would have been fine and threw it back in the truck and stormed up the mountain carrying nothing but a small bag and pad. Josh took both blankets, pillows, the tent, one of those big foam sleeping pads, and his own camping stuff.  I didn't notice at the time, because I was too busy storming up the mountain through wet grass up to your waist, which only compounded things. I got to the spot in the dark, found a brick patio laid out my pad and laid on it.  Meanwhile Josh came tromping up the mountain, calling my name, and of course I didn't answer, I did sit up so he didn't pass me.  In the rain he set up the tent, put everything inside and then came to get me.  I didn't want any part of it, so he sat for a minute persuading me to go in, at which point I must have decided a dry tent was better than the rain. So I picked up my pad, only to find it muddy and even more wet (duh!). Well this made me even more upset. Josh took off the pad cover and all was well, so it was placed inside the tent. I crawled in only to find a damp pillow and blanket on my pad.  None of this was acceptable so I threw it off, and said I wouldn't have it. I then sent him down the mountain to get water that he left in the truck, and brought it back to me. Looking back on the way I acted, I can only laugh.

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