Monday, April 16, 2012

April in Cache Valley

Happy April Fools

Not an April fools joke, literally the smallest FedEx Truck 
It is April!!! I survived March which flew by like a gaggle of goslings. Sunday the first was April fools day. My favorite holiday, but I didn't do any celebration. I did make blueberry french toast. It was delicious. We all watched conference. A lot of it was forgiveness, which I needed, and family, which I needed but didn't appreciate. Actually the first complete conference I've sat through. Melinda's friend William came up and we all watched the Grudge on Friday night. Friday afternoon I talked to Erin for a wee bit, and went on a three mile walk. Later that night I volunteered for a dance festival they had at the Stadium.  I was a runner for the judges. They gave me their envelopes, and took them to another judge in the balcony, and brought then another one. Not sure if I ever gone up and down so many stairs in my life. It was fun I'd probably do it again.  They had snacks for the volunteers, unfortunately it consisted of junk food and candy. This no junk food no candy-wedding/marathon diet gets in the way. However I do feel great. After the dance I came home and bought a bake it yourself pizza which was fantastic. Saturday was conference and shopping at every major grocery store in Logan.  Sunday was the best day, good breakfast, and conference. Then I went on a walk and onto Smiths. We had planned some time ago that the first would be my "not real birthday," because my birthday is in the summer. They bought and made me lasagna, and we moved the table into the front room and watched Once upon a time. No cake no song, very simple. We talked for a quite a while after the show ended, and went to bed. This week has been entirely too long. I taught my SI on Wednesday, and studied periodically throughout the week. We had cleaning checks as well, and did not pass. Our failing was entirely my fault, as I didn't realize the stove top lifted up, so I cleaned that, called Steve and he passed us. Now it is Friday the Chem test was a Chem test, and we will wait and see how I did. I'm re-taking it during the summer, I hate the way a C looks on my transcript. Next week I'm going home, this weekend it snowed.
This should be a joke, that is one expensive shower

In the drama department, to start off this great month, got in a big fight with Phil. Which included us both over reacting.  Personally I think he is a bit unfair. He thinks I've changed, but he can't see what he's doing. I said we've drifted apart. He told me not to blame him, as I'm the one who moved, and now he has Staci. Whatever,  moving out and moving away gives a person a lot of self reliance and independence. Something I've never had before living in his shadow. He's my brother and I love him more than anything, so we fight and get over it. Love it and accept it.

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