Saturday, February 11, 2012

My love affair with Hiking

My first porcupine
yep all the way to the top, we are half way

that part where there is no vegetation/the shale, and part
you don't want to climb, yep that's where we found
 I went hiking with Staci twice, once with her and some of her friends, once with her and her mom, we went up Dry Creek. Tuesday the third  I went shopping with mom, and then I took her to lunch at Village Inn. It was a good day, I really enjoy going out to eat with her and talking.  I hate when I'm interrupted though. Maybe that's why I don't talk a whole lot, because people are always interrupting me.  After lunch I went over to Staci's apartment, and we went to Reams.   I got a pair of seventy dollar jeans for twenty dollars, and a Stetson shirt.  The shirt was traded for the shirts I got for Christmas, that I would not to be rude, never wear.  Not because I didn't like them, but they were way too big on me, so I traded them in. Then we went hiking with her mom, stopped at Kohlers for a protein bar. First one I had ever had, and it tasted like mint chocolate, which threw all my senses off.  We also got Cow's tails, which are delicious, and remind me of my sweet child hood. After that we came to my house, and then we went hot tubbing. There were some quite annoying people there with us, after learning that the hot tub by her apartment was broke, we tracked down another one, and were joined by millions of other people. It was fun, we talked and joked for three hours, way too long to spend in a hot tub. Then I went home and went to sleep. Wednesday Staci and I were going up rock canyon but she couldn't go, so I started hiking at eleven, after stopping at the bank. I was making pretty good time, until I came to a fork.  One way was the continuation of rock canyon, I guess.   I didn't care to go any further, because it wasn't much of a hike, pretty sure with the right gear, I could have jogged it.  So I went the other way which was up to Squah Peak. Much more of a muddy, slippery, icy hike. Well worth it the views were amazing even more amazing I had radio the whole way up.  When I got to the top I was not prepared for what was laid out before me, all of Utah Valley. Such a fantastic view and the best part was the flat part on top, which is perfect for a sleeping bag, because I will camp up there in the summer. If not there, on the way up is a beautiful meadow, so I'll definitely consider setting up camp there. If I camp there, I can hike up the other mountain, which has a steeper summit, and taller peak. I ran all the way down, full out run, and made it back to my car in forty five minutes.  I thought was impressive.  Got down to my car sweaty and exhausted. When I got home, I had the chills, and took a two hour nap.  It helped a lot, and then we went to Burger King for dinner. Well deserved whopper. Thursday I cleaned out the chicken coup, did laundry, ran errands, and made dinner. I went to Checker to look for silicon, and this is one of the times being a girl pays off. I managed to get the silicon for half off. Accept it and love it. 

New year 2012

So new years was somewhat eventful.  We finally decided new years eve that we were going to a rodeo in Mount Pleasant, and then we would celebrate new years.  So I made lasagna because I thought that was my part, turns out we were going to eat somewhere else but nobody told me, so we left to go to the rodeo, we picked up C and D and headed off the rodeo.  It was okay, luckily it was inside. After they had a dance, so I danced with C. I kept stepping on his toes which was somewhat embarrassing that I can't dance.  After we drove home, which seemed like forever, we celebrated new years in the car, and watched fire works as we drove, everyone got a news year kiss, including me. We ate pizza saw some horses, saw a dog eat some spit, watched part of a movie, and went home, and I fell asleep, tired, and glad to be home and asleep. 
 A few days after that Kim and I went and watched a movie at Jeannie's. The plan was to scare her, so we knocked and then hid.  Little did I know Kim's hiding was standing off to the side, mine was crouching under their window out cropping.  Little did we both know, she wasn't home, and drove up, with me crouching, and she was with her mom, so they both got a good laugh.  We watched insidious, pretty good actually, definitely scary. Before that we wanted to watch The Help, so we went to the store to find a red box to try and find it.  While we where there, J touched the screen and nothing happened, so I stupidly asked, "is it even a touch screen?" Quoted forever.  We watched an episode of Psych, and then we drove home. While driving this man came up fast behind me and and passed me, but then slowed way down, and went very close to my lane before getting over with no blinker.  We followed him, and at the center street exit in Provo, he hit the barrier and bounced off, but kept going, we got off. I'm pretty sure he should have gotten off, and gone to sleep somewhere.
Accept it and love it!

Because I'm bored and you are willing

Monday Staci came over for Christmas dinner, Dec. 26, 2011.  We went to k mart I got a pair of pants, pretty dirt cheap, but I didn't realize they didn't have pockets.   Now I have pocket-less pants, which is not what I wanted, but I'll keep 'em. Then we went to wal mart.  I now have possibly the nicest pair of hiking boots, lined on the inside and so nice. Got the boots Monday, because Tuesday we went hiking Timp.  after loading the four wheelers, we headed to Staci's.  We got fitted for snow shoes, and ski poles. Then we were off to the mountains, we parked and drove up to the trail head.  We snow shoed from the start, which is pretty fun, and awkward.  I had to keep reminding myself to walk normal, heel to toe, because if you don't and your toe is down the spikes dig in, and you fall forward, unless you have cat like reflexed and catch yourself, which I do. We stopped often, and drank water, ate granola bars. We got to one part, where you would have had to hug the mountain, could not stand up and hope you didn't slide down. So we turned back.  We ate at Wendy's. After we went to Staci's for hot tubs, and sat for quite some time. 

Shoney, Phil's old war horse
Rocket, My war horse
Then we headed off to the movies.  We saw part of Mission Impossible four, which is the greatest action movie ever. Watched War Horse, saddest movie ever. Ten minutes in and I never stopped crying.  I was balling by the end, it was the best saddest movie ever. We got pizza and went back to her apartment.  I don't have a problem with Staci, but I have a problem being the third wheel, which is awful annoying. They asked me what I wanted to do for new years, and the only thing I could think of was going to Antelope Island.  Simply because every time I pass Antelope drive on my way home, I think of the island, and how I've never gone. So that's the only place I really want to go.  After Pizza, I went home and got clean, then I went over to Hailey's because it was Kim's birthday and spent the night. Woke up Wednesday ate breakfast, and headed home.  I tried to clean my room, but didn't get to far, because at three we went hiking with C Somewhere in Springville. We followed a car around on our way home, because they were going like fifteen, so they would pull over to let us pass, and we would drive past, and then pull over and let them pass us. We did this for about a half hour, before going home. Ate dinner, then I went to Kim's house to see Emma and Afton.  We walked over to see Jenny, but I saw that Georgia was home, so I said we should go see her, so we talked to her until eleven, and then I went home and slept, woke up late, so I couldn't go running in the morning. 
Accept it and love it

No school in Logan

Here is a gist of what I've done the past couple of weeks. Past couple weeks  meaning December.
Starting with the first day of break.  Boredom plagued us once again, so Erin came over.  After watching a frightening movie with John G., Jeannie, Megan, Kim, and Erin; Kim Jeannie, Erin and I headed over to the cemetery.   Why?  Because it was super foggy, and we thought it would be epic. Not so much.  We mostly just walked around. 
The next day we went down to the airport, and then we found Rob at home depot, and made a paper mache snowman. The next couple of days we spent at Robs, met Davy J. and Wayne. Stayed at Rob's until two and three in the morning, except Wednesday we stayed until seven thirty, and I just slept on the floor.  Rob said "Jorge makes the floor look comfortable." That's my talent of being able to sleep everywhere and anywhere.  I can make even the most uncomfortable places sleepable. We went back to the dorm that morning, and were locked out.  So we slept on the couches until the office opened.  I went downstairs and saw someone from housing I recognized, so I asked him if he had a key, and would open our door.  He did, and then he asked us for a dollar. I explained that we had our keys, but they stopped working, so he didn't charge us. I showered, dressed, cleaned and then packed. Headed out around noon, dropped Erin's books off at the library.  Found out on the highway my windshield wipers were not working.  So I needed new ones, but car is old. I pulled over when I couldn't see, and put my flashers on, so as not to be a fatality. This truck pulls up behind me, and I was hoping he would stay in his car, because I knew the problem, and I just needed a new blade.  So I cleaned off my windshield, and headed to a store, needing size 18.  For my car you can only by the new blade, not the arm and everything.  Kim traded wiper sides, because the passenger side was working. I read in the manual not to use the windshield wiper fluid in the winter when your windows are cold, might be common sense but I did it anyway, which just compounded the not being able to see problem. I went about my way, and ended up at reams in Lehi, and bought a pair of boots, finally. They are camo boots, and awesome. I can't remember what I did Friday, but at night I went shopping with Phil. We went to Barnes and Noble, and I bought an Urban Dictionary, which makes me laugh every time I see  it. I just imagine my dad using some of the phrases, and its pretty priceless. We saw a bug and I told Phil that people who by bugs probably smile inside every time they see someone getting hit, they are thinking, yep that's because of me.  So naturally I had to test my hypothesis.  I hit Phil in front of one, and she did laugh. Some day I'll own my Green bug, re-painted to look like a turtle of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. Saturday was mom's birthday I ran five miles in the morning, then I made cheese balls, watched foot ball, made her cake. Then we dropped a present off at Elisa's, and got pizza.  My new favorite food, just because I've had it a dozen times in the past couple of weeks. Cheap but good. Then we got all dressed up to deliver cheese balls.  I wore my mom's old silk green tie around dress, I love it and have always wanted to wear it somewhere and finally got the chance. We went to the Mcclelans, and talked for a while.  At Kim's I got an awesome sheep book with poems and stories.  Mom bought it, and said she immediately thought of me and had to get it. We went to Staci's and talked for a while, her dad is nice, and brothers. We came home, and went to bed. Christmas I woke up, way too early, so I went back to sleep, I think we opened presents at ten. I didn't ask for anything this Christmas, but I got some shirts, money, a calendar, some gum, and chocolate things. Kim got me some gloves, and huge mug. I'm knitting her a blanket, but I'm not sure when it will be done. 
I realize I have an awful habit of taking a bite out of something, and then leaving it, I took the middle part out of cinnamon roll, and left the rest, and countless bites out of cookies, and sandwiches.  Some day I'll learn to eat all my food. But mostly I just want to taste it, not eat it all. After that, we went to Aunt Mary's house. I've known her longer than I've known my Grandma, and she is going senile. It's hard to see someone who was lucid when you met them slowly fading away. After that we went to Grandma's and Lily was there. We talked and laughed for a while. I would be happy moving to Norway, and being a baker.  We talked about history, and the concentration camps in Norway, and my Great Uncle was sent to one. When Germany invaded they took over schools, and my Grandma learned English, but they also spoke German. Such interesting history. Eric also got me a cool pair of running pants now I am a literal runner. I just need to run with them. We came home, and didn't have Christmas dinner, we opted or rather I opted to make everyone omelets. 
Accept it and love it


Catching Turtles in Georgia
I think this was Bryce
Society has failed me again. When you are younger, you have all the faith in the world. As you grow up you want to change the world; volunteer, teach, and help all those around you.  You think for years what you do is making a difference, and you are happy.  Then you reach a point when society fails. You go a year without watching T.V. because the first time you turn it on, you get Dr. Oz and a show about wanting to become obese.  You watch an hours worth of television about men wanting women to become overly obese; basically watching someone kill themselves slowly.  What bothers me most is that a woman who is almost a thousand pounds thinks she is perfectly healthy. In what world is that healthy?  What is healthy about saying you are going to walk the dog, and then get in your wheel chair, because your body frame can't support the weight.  Eating more than twenty thousand calories; when we have people in America starving, is not healthy, having to have supportive gear for your extra weight is not healthy. This is just what the outside world sees, not to mention what's going on internally.  Your bones can not support that, you have little muscle mass, blood pressure problems.  My God people wake up.
River Trail with Smokey
I'm not the perfect vision of health, but I run at least 15 miles a week, I hike mountains, and not be completely out of breath when I reach the top, plus I can jog all the way down. I can run an 8 minute mile, I can walk a 16 minute mile, I can bike and rock climb, I can horse ride, and walk my dogs.  I can do all these things that these other people can't do. Why? I wasn't always this way, it took me starting with jogging in place for ten minutes, and I slowly worked my way up to being able to run 11 miles in an hour and a half. Maybe I am a bit healthier than the average individual, possibly the perfect vision of health, but don't tell me its not possible. It takes work, it takes effort, takes sweat and courage and falling down, and sliding, and pain, but its worth it. I have perfect blood pressure, iron levels, cardiac output, muscle mass, bone density, oxygen levels. I could die tomorrow or live a hundred years, but at least I will have been able to see things most people can't see and do things that haven't been done before.  Hiking in Colorado and scaling rocks, and winding my way through forests.  I've seen Utah Valley from the top of a mountain watching the sun go down, and all the lights in the valley turn on. I've gone canyoneering in national parks. Hiking up to frozen water falls.  Collecting antlers up canyons in the winter.  Exploring mines, and rivers, lakes and ponds. Biking to complete exhaustion just to see thousands of geese land on a lake.  Running in the morning, and almost being hit by deer, watching sun rises in countless places from amazing views. I've been able to do so many amazing things. I kind of lost focus, and just wanted to brag a bit, but I hope society changes.  I hope this woman is able to turn her life around.  When her sons ask her to change, and be healthy I hope she takes it to heart. Accept it and love it.
Ducks on Provo River

a Mine

Crystal River

I realize everyone is not the same, and fitness levels vary.
Beaver Lake from Raspberry Ridge