Friday, March 11, 2011


I can lay on the driveway and look one way and see horses, the other and see cars, and pinetrees.  I can be completely at peace.  I love nature but not everything that goes with it. I hate spiders, dady long legs are fine.  I once killed a spider and put it down the drain, my brother told me it would crawl up the drain and haunt me.  I ran the hot water for a good five minutes. Another time I scooped it up, and placed it gently outside.  I would hate to be a spider, never knowing when the final blow will come. I'm not a spider thankfully. I don't know why I have this irrational fear of spiders.  I've tried to explain it to myself eveolutionarily speaking. Spiders do have the ability to kill us, and maybe we have developed over the many years an innate phobia. My father doesn't have this fear, and will always kill my spiders, or my brother...he will eventually kill them, after he has thrown them at me or on me. 
I love working with my hands, fixing fence, fixing animals, and I love being called on for my knowledge, little experience, whatever, I love to help and lend a hand. I think I have said I more then I care to admit.
Family is something that should be held near and dear.  A sisters bond is something that can never be adopted by two friends.  There is a biological bond that ties these girls together. A bond some will never understand.  There is another bond between brothers, and another bewtween brother and sister.  The strongest bond will never be known.  An older brother will always try and take care of his sister, and an older brother will shelter the younger brother. Love between the two can be shown by lending a shoulder to cry on a leg to sleep on, hugs and kisses and thousands of I love you's. The other willing to risk life and limb to save the other. Jokes are exchanged and this bond goes beyond friendship it is a biological bind. Its an understanding of eachothers background and what made them what and who they are.  Its knowing that no matter what they are your sibling, flesh and blood.  It is the ultimate gift. Nothing can match this, but a parents love will always win.  A parent will die for their child.  A cape buffalo will bring back an entire herd to fend of a pack of lions from killing the offspring. A parent will do the same, throwing their life in front of the bus. They will take a life sentance to ensure their child has a better start. Their life is donated to their child, they remain  their own person, but provide so much support and love to ensure their child has everything.  That is how a parent should be, they should love their child more then anything.  Each spouse should understand this love and nurture it. Your parents make you who you are. You make decisions as well, and can't blame your parents for every wrong thing in your life. You have the ability to make decisions, you have the ability to change your life, and make yourself whoever it is you are seeking.

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