Saturday, March 12, 2011


The men drive with one hand
On the wheel
The reservoir flows below
Gurgling and frothy where the bridge
Crosses and combines with
The rusty rail road tracks
The men turn to cross, and
The one and only 35 car train
Comes and the hands come down
The flashing and beeping drives the
Men insane
This train will not be stopping
And the men start creeping
Up and across the bumpy
Rick-racketing train tracks
And up the rocky dirt road
The men roll down their windows
And look for a canyon but
Only see a wash with bottles
The men stop and pick up the cans and glass
Slowly moving up the mountain
They see the perfect spot
The men set up the cans and jars
On mountains and on rocks
And the men play kick the
Can down, down the hill,
Because there were no rabbits to kill. 

A poem I wrote waiting for a train to cross, the only train for miles around on tracks in the middle of Spanish Fork Canyon. 

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