Friday, April 20, 2012

April 19, 2008

 Jon delivered flowers to my class today. I went up to the professor to correct some problems and saw him out of the corner of my eye, and it was the best thing ever.  Last night we had planned for him to come to my class with flowers, all to get rid of Shermie. Shermie came over yesterday and followed me right up the stairs. Earlier I had texted Jon, "please please save me in three minutes." His phone had turned off, luckily his door was open, so I came in, and we acted like really good friends. He asked me on a "date" and gave me twenty minutes. I was hoping Shermie would have left within the minute of me leaving, but he stayed and talked to Jon for a good ten minutes. Finally he left, and we came out and talked and laughed and discussed our next plan. So when I saw Jon in class I just smiled, and the kids handed in their quizzes and left. Shermie came up to me to talk  and I just looked back at Jon with a help me look, and he came in with flowers, and gave me a huge hug. Shermie did an about face and headed over to doc. Then Doc stopped in the door and said "is this a proposal." Jon replied "Not yet!" Then we walked out arm in arm down the hall and out the door, but before we left, doc said "are you trying to make the rest of us look bad?" Jon said "is it working?" Perfect plan, laughed so hard.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


What a whirl wind my life has been lately.  Ups and downs, and looking for positives and seeing negatives. Getting involved and feeling good. One of the things that is constant in my life is service.  Being involved in the community.  I don't know how to not ask people if they need help.  I love it, and I'm not looking for slap on the back, or even a thank you.  I love helping people and making their life a little easier. The old quote that says "it takes a village to raise a child," is oh so very true.  I couldn't imagine being where I'm at without all the people who have supported me and helped me out.  My service pales in comparison to all those who have befriended me and have been my guiding light. I'm not a saint, far from it, I do like being recognized, but that's the cherry on top.  I love to keep people smiling. So the email I got came as a complete shock and surprise, almost made me cry.

Jorgena Miller, On behalf of the National Residence Hall Honorary here at USU, I would like to congratulate you on your nomination for an “Of the Month” award for April. This is a recognition tool used by students and staff living on-campus to recognize those around them that have done an outstanding job and are making a difference. Being nominated and winning on a campus level gives you the potential of also being nominated and recognized on a regional and national level. Thank you for all that you are doing and keep up the great work!

Here is what was said about you:
Jorgena is an amazing individual. She is a studious student, always striving for academic excellence, a great friend, and on top of that, she is training for a marathon. Jorgena has done a lot in the month of April to help others. She created an Easter Egg hunt for each of her roommates to help them feel a little more at home during Easter. She even customized each Easter Egg Hunt to what the person liked, leaving little quotes around their rooms giving hints to where hidden treasures lay.
She has had at least one test every week in April, and she has spent countless hours studying for those tests. However, if anyone needed her help or just wanted to hang out with her, she would make time for that individual. Along with being such an excellent student, she is a UTF for a class, and with that job she has taken on a huge amount of responsibility. She has been very busy UTFing in April as she prepares the students in her Supplemental Instruction class for upcoming finals. She has definitely gone above and beyond the call of duty in her job.
Jorgena is very busy with classes and a job, and yet she still finds time to serve. In April she has helped with "A-Week of Service" whenever she could find the time, and she even helped one of her roommates with her NRHH Recognition duties, even though Jorgena is not in NRHH. She is always trying to find ways to serve. She volunteered at Dance Fest through RHA, just because she had a few spare hours on her weekend and she heard that she could go do more service. Jorgena is an amazing example to me of what service is really about. Jorgena has truly gone above and beyond the extra mile in April.

If you have any questions please feel free to email us at

NRHH, Big Blue Chapter
Residents Hall Association
Utah State University

Thank you to whomever nominated me.  This was wonderful to read. I hope someday I can be apart of this association and write OTM'S for other people, and hopefully make their day better.  Knowing that what they do is appreciated and not taken for granted. Love it and accept it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

My life so far

In case you are more interested in my life then thoughts, I'll give you a small update.
Built a pink house around a trailer
I have five weeks left of school, two papers to write, and three tests before finals. I'm becoming more and more spiteful, resentful, and its hard to not sweat the small stuff. T-Will who is in my UTF class still follows me home, now he lets himself in. Soon I will regain my spine and tell him to leave me alone. Instead, avoiding the situation and making up excuses seems like a better plan.
I was going to go to Nevada for spring break, but chose a much needed rest from the world, and a week alone with my Aunt. So Sunday I headed to Seal Beach, correcting 80 seven page tests on the plane.  We didn't do a whole lot, my fault, I was tired and slept and ate. The next day we made plans, we bought plants, ate out, and enjoyed each others company. Tuesday we went whale watching. We saw a couple gray whales which was cool. While waiting for the boat we watched a sea lion, Samson, play with some birds tossing fish and having fun. I didn't get very sea sick on the boat, mostly just tired.  We were in the sun for quite a long time, and after not seeing sun for months it sucked the life out of me. Along with seeing whales, we saw a whole school of dolphins. Amazing swimmers, they glided next to our boat like silver torpedoes. I tried to get pictures but realized when I thought I was getting pictures I was taking a video.  When I thought it was still on video it was on picture. So that didn't work too well. The next day we went to Catalina island, its nothing like the dressing. We took the fairy over, and I took a short nap on the hour ride. We decided to sit top deck in the sun, oh...but also in the wind.  It was freezing bundled up in my hoody, still cold. I closed my eyes, positioned in the sun, and tried to ignore the wind, still cold. On the island we ate lunch, walked around a bit. They have a huge zip line, two hour ride, which will be so much fun with Phil in the summer.

Got within two feet of this fella
I just liked the color

Out yellow submarine

In the submarine 
Looking little green under the sea

We went on a submarine and saw a ton of fish which was probably the most fun.  We ate trail mix and enjoyed the island, and took the fairy home. We sat up top in the sun, but out of the wind this time, and this Japanese lady who was sitting across from me, kept looking at me and shaking her head. Strange. I took a nap on the return home. We got home not nearly as tired this time. Thursday we went to the spa.  Lois got her hair done, and I got a facial.  It wasn't nearly as awful this time, but its probably the last time I'll be getting one, next time I'm going all out and getting a massage.  After the facial, I sat in the steam room, hot tub, took a shower, and took my time getting dressed. It was really nice, like princess treatment for two hours. We went shopping and I was told we couldn't leave until I picked something out.  I asked how much time we had, I hate shopping. After around two hours I found a cute dress and pair of pants. Good buys. The  next day was the plane ride home.  After getting home, we took the horses up the mountain for a good ride. I was on Cactus she got freaked out by some deer, and acted strange after that, so then I rode Rocket who is perfect to ride. We got back home and Phil and I ate some Pizza. My life so far, love it and accept it!

April in Cache Valley

Happy April Fools

Not an April fools joke, literally the smallest FedEx Truck 
It is April!!! I survived March which flew by like a gaggle of goslings. Sunday the first was April fools day. My favorite holiday, but I didn't do any celebration. I did make blueberry french toast. It was delicious. We all watched conference. A lot of it was forgiveness, which I needed, and family, which I needed but didn't appreciate. Actually the first complete conference I've sat through. Melinda's friend William came up and we all watched the Grudge on Friday night. Friday afternoon I talked to Erin for a wee bit, and went on a three mile walk. Later that night I volunteered for a dance festival they had at the Stadium.  I was a runner for the judges. They gave me their envelopes, and took them to another judge in the balcony, and brought then another one. Not sure if I ever gone up and down so many stairs in my life. It was fun I'd probably do it again.  They had snacks for the volunteers, unfortunately it consisted of junk food and candy. This no junk food no candy-wedding/marathon diet gets in the way. However I do feel great. After the dance I came home and bought a bake it yourself pizza which was fantastic. Saturday was conference and shopping at every major grocery store in Logan.  Sunday was the best day, good breakfast, and conference. Then I went on a walk and onto Smiths. We had planned some time ago that the first would be my "not real birthday," because my birthday is in the summer. They bought and made me lasagna, and we moved the table into the front room and watched Once upon a time. No cake no song, very simple. We talked for a quite a while after the show ended, and went to bed. This week has been entirely too long. I taught my SI on Wednesday, and studied periodically throughout the week. We had cleaning checks as well, and did not pass. Our failing was entirely my fault, as I didn't realize the stove top lifted up, so I cleaned that, called Steve and he passed us. Now it is Friday the Chem test was a Chem test, and we will wait and see how I did. I'm re-taking it during the summer, I hate the way a C looks on my transcript. Next week I'm going home, this weekend it snowed.
This should be a joke, that is one expensive shower

In the drama department, to start off this great month, got in a big fight with Phil. Which included us both over reacting.  Personally I think he is a bit unfair. He thinks I've changed, but he can't see what he's doing. I said we've drifted apart. He told me not to blame him, as I'm the one who moved, and now he has Staci. Whatever,  moving out and moving away gives a person a lot of self reliance and independence. Something I've never had before living in his shadow. He's my brother and I love him more than anything, so we fight and get over it. Love it and accept it.