I found some shoes at kmart although not the ones I wanted they were dark blue. So we kept the receipt and headed to walmart, but they didn't have diddly squat so we headed back home, and made it back just in time. Nothing is better then coming into your apartment with new shoes and the welcoming smell of banana bread...which wasn't done. I take that back if the banana bread had been lasagna, my life would have been complete. We turned the oven down, so the bread wouldn't burn, and we had to wait a little longer. I asked Erin and kim if they had glow in the dark paint, Erin did, so we stopped at her apartment and got some paint. While we waited for the bread to finish we painted my shoes, now they are the coolest. We watched a movie, then I went to bed exhausted, Erin was picked up by her sister and kim watched haven I think.
I've started Harry Potter, finished the first, and am on the second, now that school has picked up its harder to find time to read for fun.
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