Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Saturday in October

Turtle fences
Hot Pocket
Today was nothing shy of one big adventure. Lets start the day off by waking up to an email saying you registered for your test wrong, and won't be taking it. Followed by a shower, because in Logan that is the only way to warm up. After being awake for a half hour there is nothing better then a mid morning nap. Staying up until two was a big part of sleeping so much. Not to mention the midnight fire alarm, which takes a lot out of a person. Being woke up at ten, to the smell of bacon sucks, because you know you can't have any. Went down to DI to cheer up Josh at work, definitely worked.  Great kid.  Stopped at pay less to find shoes, did a perfect back up job into a spot wide enough for my car. I am certainly impressive, my dad would have been proud. At DI I finally found slip on shoes.  Lets face it lacing shoes and tying them is way too much work and over rated. Now I need to find new boots, ongoing battle. After DI, we went to TJ MAX, nothing too exciting.  I showed Erin a museum exhibit featuring Harry Potter, so she went to that and then headed over to our dorm, to feed fish. We were in town, so they walked home, and we picked her and her roommate up. At our dorm we popped popcorn and thought it would be wise to pop two bags of popcorn. We ate a bag and drove with the other one to first dam. We found our dock and unloaded the popcorn on the fish. We didn't see any fish.  So we used Kim's amazing duck call to call our ducks over.  We fed the better half of the popcorn bag to the ducks. Cederick, Einstein, Shaq, and the old wise duck, were just a few we named. After feeding ducks, there is nothing like a ten mile run, in an hour and a half.  Josh and I did the canyon run down to main street, up fourth, old main and home. I had an air baby,(which is like a food baby, or candy corn baby, basically your tummy just doubles in size) which made my stomach hurt so bad, "if it had been helium I would have floated." Erin sent me a text saying there was as surprise, so I ran home, got dressed and we headed over there, lickety go split. While down there we worked on our mad dancing skills, and watched bits of Tarzan, and Spirit Bear. Spirit Bear sounded cool, the initial reason I picked it, but it was a documentary on how they could not find Spirit Bear. What's with that? After a good two hours of dancing, eating pizza, and laughing our heads off we headed home to sleep. Also, Utah state played Wyoming Coyboys and we won, go Aggies. Sunday I wanted cinnamon rolls, so I searched for recipes and made a mad dash to Smiths for brown sugar, cream cheese, and butter. I don't know why butter packages can't put on the package butter or margarine.  Instead they put Spread, and 40% oil. 90 minute cinnamon rolls took 90 minutes. Had Pita's funeral, all in attendance were force fed fried rice, and  cinnamon rolls. Washed my clothes, and dug a tiny hole under the tree outside our window, placed Pita inside and we all sang Amazing Pita.  So far two of our other fish have died, Hot Pocket, and Tuna Melt. 

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