Saturday, November 5, 2011

The hunt

The muzzle loader hunt is on, and we got nothing. Saturday Josh and I went for a short three mile run, and then we went home. I got dressed and ready to go down to the big SLC, for conference. We left quite early, and got down to salt lake.  Then we had to find parking, which is usually difficult when you are driving a four door boat. We found parking under ground, and headed off to the conference center.  I'm not sure if you can have good seats at conference but we definitely meandered our way to the front. Everyone rose when the Prophet came out.  Here's my problems with religion in general.  There are men in front, there are men on the sides, there are the quorum of the 70 there are the 12 apostles, the prophet, the pope, the priests, Christ, and then in some religion Heavenly Father, you have the men.  I don't understand how women can stand for a man who oppresses women, openly in this day and age.  One of the only things I get out of conference every year is that women can bear children.  Mothers should be good mothers and take care of their families, because that is the greatest responsibility. Religion backs this and so does society.  In almost all relationships women's jobs come secondary to men's.  Even today women will make less then men. Women are expected to stay home once a family comes along. I understand the logic behind it, I'm just saying fathers have just as an important role.  Women have just as much right to go out and make a life for themselves and put having a family on the back burner.  They should be able to do  this without feeling they are not fulfilling their motherly/wifely duty.  I'm still upset the LDS religion is going to change the Provo Tabernacle into a Temple.  With the road construction and the one denomination majority, Provo makes it easier not to come home. I may have only used the Tabernacle three times, but I was still able to use it, and so were thousands of others. The place I loved and couldn't wait to come back to is pushing me away. I thought I could never leave Provo, and now I can't wait to leave Utah, and see what the rest of the world has to offer.  I'm not saying I hate religious people, I think they do a lot of good, my best friends are LDS and I wouldn't trade them or their families for anything.  However I need to be able to express myself and see other views. My brother asked me if I would live in Utah after I graduated.  Unfortunately I said "no." I want to move so bad it hurts.  After living in another state for four months, I know I can live away from this one.  I want to move to anther state and start over, and meet new people, I want change, and not the kind Obama can offer. I'm getting tired of the people and politics.  Not that other states won't have the same problem, but I want to see what they will bring. Anyways, just my opinion, some day I'll know what I want, and 
After conference we drove down to Provo, and Josh bought me chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, and I was in a chocolate coma. I dropped him off and then headed home. I parked and unloaded, and saw my mommy, and we ate chili and then watched tv.  Phil and my dad had left without me, which was ok, because I had homework I had to do, and finished.
We woke up at five o clock in the morning, and headed to Indianola for some hunting time.  We hiked across the face of our mountian, heard a loud coyote, and drove to Lamonts mountain, saw some does in the road, and some cows. I love cows. We hiked a bit, rested a bit, and phil and I ran back to the truck.  After hunting Indianola we always go to fairview to eat Breakfast and you can't break tradition.  Although I'm thinking we can now. I had chicken fried steak and it was so dry and gross. Plus we didn't get our glasses refilled, and the table was dirty, I'm thinking the little acorn is for us from now on. 
Drove back to Logan sunday after picking Josh up, made it in record time, wore socks with my sandals, because my feet were cold, Kim noticed.  While driving my foot itched very badly I thought I might cry.  I don't know what to do in those situations because it was my driving foot.  I didn't want to take it off the gas going seventy, and yet bending down to scratch it always makes me turn. Tough decisions while driving. Monday was school, and actually a good day, minus debates about the new temple on facebook.  For family home evening we played ultimate frisbee, the regular kind and three legged, which was more fun then anything I've done in a while. Then we played missionary tag sitting down. I slid into somebody, and got some awesome grass stains. Then we chatted as roomies, and mocked me a bit, I'm used to it by now, I can't help if I put my foot in my mouth, and just speak without thinking. One of the funnier things, Jeannie said, "I love my heels." Melinda said "so do prostitutes." I didn't hear Melinda, so I said "what did you call me?"
 Then I had a cookie a bottle of water, quick shower, and off to sleep.  Physics and chem lab in the morning, so not excited I hate my Tuesday schedule it sucks. Went to lab, and then I came home, and Kim and I headed to petsmart.  At petsmart we asked the man to get us a particular gold fish, the one we picked was gold with black spots, named hot pocket. So we have Pita and Hot Pocket.  Tom and Jerry is still alive, I had to buy crickets, people thought I was crazy when I asked if they had ants.  Even crazier when I asked if he would eat dead crickets, and if he could catch live crickets.  I don't think he can, because I put three in there, and there are three still there. Then I coulndn't figure out how to run the debit card machine, and the nice cashier said a lot of people had problems with it, Kim's reply was "yeah the old customers, not the young ones." It has rained every day, luckily not in the morning at five so it doesn't effect our running, I sure hope it warms up, this October drop in weather, is not sitting well with me. Tom and Jerry died.

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