Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our story

Our story is my favorite. When I think about all the events that fell into place to create our story I stand amazed.
Josh and I first met in the junior high. We had keyboarding together, and I immediately developed a crush on this blue eyed boy. As I grew up it faded and was gone the next year. That was the year of dating and I didn't agree with his choice...'s.  Josh and I continued going to the same school, our clicks we're different and we only had honors classes together.  We both graduated and attended different universities. He attended a university near home and I ventured into the big bold world...aka Logan, UT.
We we're Facebook friends but the extent of our dealings ended with him accepting the request to like my pet cow, petes, Facebook page.
It was three years into college that a chance meeting would change our lives for the better!
After an eventful Pre Christmas holiday spent in Logan I came home. I celebrated Christmas with my family and started planning our new years party. I was cooking in the kitchen, when I saw a red truck pull into our driveway, and drive to the back of our property. I put on my don't mess with me boots and headed out to see who this stranger was. He rolled down his windows and knew me right off, but I was a little more than a foot away when I realized it was Josh. He was always one to grow facial hair, and he now had a man sized beard, and mountain man hair. I didn't know who this man was until I did. We went through the usual conversation of seeing someone for the first time in years; how are you, what are you studying , where are you working, where do you live, etc.
I finished the Christmas break and went back to Logan. Josh continued with work and school and I didn't give him much thought. Then he started chatting with me, sneakily got my number and we started texting each other when we had time. We went on a date during the winter when I came home for a weekend. It was an eventful date that started off with his truck dying. We went country dancing. After dancing we ate at McDonalds.  If me stepping on his feet, and lacking the almost innate ability to be led that probably every girl possesses, didn't impress him then the way I tore my food apart definitely did. We went for a drive and drove all over provo, where I rambled for a good four hours and apologized many times for the nonstop chatter. He politely replied that if he minded he would have left. He did leave practically falling asleep on the porch at two in the morning.
Then it was a couple more months of texting each other if we had time, but mostly if we remembered. I came home for summer school, and caught up with a few old friends from high school, and went out to dinner with one of them that just got off his mission. We went to a restaurant and low and behold Josh was there with his friends. We said hi, he finished eating and left and an hour later we did as well. When I got home I texted josh asked if he was busy and we went for a long walk around the block. And I found myself starting to like him again. The next day we left for Ohio, and our texting was hard due to the lack of service and the wedding we we're attending. I finished out the summer school, and we didn't really hang out, but I talked to my running partner endlessly about him. Poor girl had to endure my indecisiveness and debates with myself. I didn't want to date anyone and just wanted a good guy friend. But all of my friends said we should date. We hung out together for an entire week and as our conversations grew late into the night, so did our feelings. Honestly I thought he thought I was a tomboy feminist and was losing interest in being friends by the minute. So I was surprised when he walked me to my car,and just sat on my hood like he owned it. And then it came, the thing that is even more awkward than our awkward footfives. Even more awkward then a baby giraffe. Even more awkward than Erin. Yes even more awkward than a junior high boy.  So the dtr was started. Where are we going? Are we going to keep hanging out until midnight? What should we do? what are we? Are we anything? Will we ever be? Do you want to be? Where are we headed? Should we date? So it was decided in front of his house on a Thursday before July eleven, we would give this dating a try. Very soon after he told me he loved me and even sooner after I told him I loved me too. Our summer romance was quickly coming to an end. I paid my tuition and realized I only had a few short Weeks to spend all the time in the world with him. And then it happened I waited until the very last possible minute to pack and drive back up to Logan and start my last year. It was hard getting back into school and not having him there to go canoeing, hiking, shooting or camping with. We visited each other every other weekend and I went camping with his family over labor day, and I went with his family to Arizona to celebrate his birthday. I came home for Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and the next semester we couldn't go longer than a week without seeing each other. As much as I hated living far away it was probably one of the best things for our relationship. It made us so strong. We built trust and communication, we hurt each other and we fell in love with each other. 
The year ended thankfully and I moved back to Provo. Now we really are inseparable. I decided not to graduate that May and took another semester of classes, probably the hardest semester.  Never go to school close to home. As the semester progressed we became way more serious and talked about marriage and rings.  We looked at rings and one day we bought my ring. And I waited and waited, and waited for him to "pop" the question. I told him how cliche every possible proposal was, including looking at lights and then proposing. Then I felt like an idiot when he told me days later that he was going to propose after looking at the lights and a carriage ride, with both of our families there. Sounds romantic now. So the day we went to look at the lights and then went on a carriage ride, I waited and waited but he never asked. I was supes disappointed, and a little irritated.
Christmas Eve's eve came, and still nothing, and then Christmas Eve. After opening our presents, he asked me for a glass of water, at which time he placed the last present under the tree. I came back and started opening it, and saw it was a box through tears of joy. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was the best Christmas Eve! Although we don't have a date picked out, we know the year. 2015!
Looking back I'm so glad I was the one who stopped him in the driveway.  I'm so glad it changed our lives forever.

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