Saturday, June 15, 2013


My baby, I do love this thing
So I recently took my car to the mechanics. No surprise, luckily the problem was need for a new wheel.  I called every junk yard, every spare car parts place, every mechanic, every shop, everyone who had ever seen a car before. But to no avail, they did not have a wheel that matched my 1984 luxury car. Well Poop, actually double poop! I wouldn't think finding a wheel would be so difficult.  Luckily my dad had my back.  He called one place that I didn't, you're probably thinking, "that's not possible." But it was possible. They did not have a match for the Lincoln, but they did have an old wheel off a ford that they mounted, forgot to grease, and put back on the car. I don't know if any of you have ever heard a squeaky wheel, but there is a reason they get the grease. Me being the very stubborn person I am, I refused to grease the squeaky wheel, and greased every wheel but the squeaky one.  I thought, I'll show this wheel who's boss, and greased all it's friends, hoping it would fall into line.  Oh how I was wrong.  It did not fall into line, in fact it fell off the car. Only joking, it's still on there...for now.  But the squeaking is worse than ever, and soon I will be on my way to grease it. Wheel you have won this time, and lets face it, you'll probably win every time, as long as I rely on you for transportation.
The steering wheel, pretty cool
In case you are wondering, I'm selling the Lincoln, ($1500 if you are interested). In my spare time I clean it, so far the trunk, and the outside. I washed it and then I thought I'll see if my dad has wax, because nothing says shiny like a freshly waxed car. Not knowing how wax works I read the directions, and of course disagreed with all that it wrote. On the directions it said to wax one section at a time, let it dry and then buff. I figured what the heck, I'll wax the whole thing and then buff.  I mean by the time the whole car is waxed it will all be dry.  Yeah, too dry. I buffed, and re-washed and buffed some more, and scrubbed. Finally two hours later the wax was gone, and my car was shiny.

Me in my car, I'm awful at self pictures

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