Wednesday, July 29, 2015

10 Things

Lately I have read a lot of ten things. Ten things I didn't know after giving birth, ten things I didn't know I knew, ten things the carpet salesman is not telling you, etc. I will create my list of ten: Ten things I didn't know before moving in with someone/Josh.
1. I didn't know our toilet paper would disappear so fast, laundry would accumulate so much, and dishes would never end.  I never realized buying toilet paper would be a chore, and something to constantly stock up on. I didn't know the laundry would pile up, I thought that only happened in families of three plus. Dishes fall into the laundry pile, HOW DO WE HAVE SO MANY DISHES??? We are two people and yet the sink is never empty.  Even if we go on vacation we can come home to at least one dish, and its co conspirator resting beside the sink.
2. I didn't know going to the bathroom took a half an hour. I mean its pooping not a math test, or completing a circuit board, you have one duty while in there, just get it done in a timely manner.  I don't know why long potty breaks make this list, probably because we have one bathroom, but there it is.
3. Before we lived together I didn't know there would not be a good way to say "you annoy me, leave me alone." There really isn't, so you just have to say it and go to your opposite out buildings and have alone time.
4. I didn't know he wouldn't find breakfast in bed and back massages as endearing as I do.
5. I didn't know I'd have a personal nurse to care for my every ache and pain. Its one thing to cling to hope that your cramps will end and that you will slowly perish in the period pain abyss.  But its a lot better and completely different when you have someone warming your heating pads, looking up the best period pain killers, and putting your chocolate chip fudge brownies into the oven.
6. I didn't know that our goals and dreams would intertwine.  I imagined I would have my goals, his would be separate, and when they diverged we would also digress. However, much to my surprise the opposite is true.  Every goal and dream is set and planned together, and all of our hopes come to fruition.
7. I didn't know I would be the one starting the fires.  This might be rather person specific, but very true.  For as long as I can remember I've had an arsonphobia.  I had a difficult time in science classes, and had lab partners start 99% of my bunsen burners. Here I am starting the fires and warming the house, watch out chem labs!
8. I didn't know I would be responsible for cutting someone else's toenails because he doesn't happen to be as flexible as me.  He meets my requirements of clean feet, but I still cringe a little when the nails go a flying.
9. I didn't know sharing a bed would be so easy.  He is the best person to cuddle and we fit like a puzzle.  There is no his side or my side, there's just mattress to explore and crowd.
10. Lastly I didn't know I could get so lucky.  I fall more in love with him every day and have more fun with him than anyone else.
If you're reading this let me know your "I didn't know..."
We are seriously the best, ready to take on anything

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