We decided to have a little fun with some old wives tales, and see if they could accurately predict our bundle.
What am I craving?
Sweet or salty, meaty or treaty?
It actually varies from week to week and even day to day, so this one gets inconclusive but I'm definitely pregnant.
My personal favorite the Chinese baby gender predictor
Woman's Birth Year: 1991 Month: 7 Day: 22 Time Zone: -6
Conception Year: 2016 Month: 10 Day: 14 Time Zone: -7
It's a girl! (Chinese Age 26 at Lunar month 9)
Morning sickness, or clear sailing. My morning sickness has been spotty to non existent, only deciding to show up especially dutiful in the twelfth week. So this test goes to the boys.
Pregnancy glow, or a no show? I have received a lot of complements on my shiny hair (although I switched conditioners), and my beautiful glow before our news was out, so do to the old saying "little girls steal Mom’s good looks," looks like it could be a boy.
The feeling of my skin, smooth or rough, dry or oily? My skin has been soft and clear (minus a couple of weeks in the middle of month two), but terribly dry, another boy prediction.
Weight just in the front, or well rounded? seven months in and still in my skinny jeans. Looks like I'm just packing on the pounds in front. This one goes to the boys as well.
Cold feet boy, warm feet girl. My head is warm, my torso is warm, my feet are definitely warm. Another point for team girl.
Pillow faces north its a boy, south its a girl. My pillow faces south so it looks like this one points to girl.
What side do you prefer to lay on? I prefer to lay on my right side, which also points to a girl.
Clumsy or graceful? I'm a little bit of both, so we'll go with dinosaur for this one.
Dreams of boys or girls? I hadn't had any dreams of any baby up until the third trimester. When I woke up and said "it could be a girl."
Partners weight gain? Josh and I manage to stay just about 100 pounds apart, and with his new job he is gaining baby girl sympathy weight (muscle) right along side me.
Moody versus mellow, ill tempered or over joyed (those might be a little extreme), unfortunately I'm always moody (sorry Josh), while pregnant, it's too much work to be mellow. This sign points to girl.
Carrying high versus carrying low: I've never carried something so high before in my life, another one for a girl.
So what are we really having? Girl or Boy????
So what are we really having? Girl or Boy????

Stay tuned. We've decided from the beginning we wanted to wait and keep this baby a surprise. We'll all find out on baby Miller-Reid's birth day.