Saturday, February 11, 2017

Our Rainbow has a heart beat

If you know what's good for you SLOW DOWN!

Proceed with Caution, huge news ahead...

Might as well stop

 There will be some bumps along the way...

We have exciting news. Our midwives tell us things are on the up and up, minus a few growing pains. Josh and I have experienced pure euphoria, and extreme despair, but we are hopeful and patient that the good times and news will keep coming.  We aren't naïve, and we aren't taking this news lightly.  We're so amazed and consider ourselves incredibly lucky.   Our rainbow has a heart beat, and it is the strongest and most beautiful beat we have ever heard.  We have a long road to go, but we're almost half way there.  Take a look at our journey so far.  

Week one was pretty uneventful, we didn't even know what was happening yet...

By week two the dogs knew something was up...

Week 3 I had my suspicions...

Week four I slept most of my way through, waking briefly to pee every 10 minutes.

Week five my pants became a little tighter, and my emotions were on the rise, things that made me cry: The dinosaurs dying (because there was no warning), not all the dishes would fit in the dishwasher, homelessness, lost dogs, every movie, a dirty house, having to pee every ten minutes, all the things. Week five you made me emotional

                                        Week six; bring on fruit cravings and taste aversions.

This baby is stubborn (don't know where that comes from), made us wait a whole 7 weeks before our first positive test. I almost threw up smelling something rotten, goodbye science nose.  Let the evening sickness begin, luckily it was fleeting, and lasted roughly two nights. 

Week eight, brought worry, this is where it all went wrong last time and the spotting began.  Week eight, you also brought more drowsiness, I have never been so dog tired, or as bloated in my entire life. I've also never cared less about other people's opinions or feelings more in my life.  

 Week nine afternoon sickness returned for a couple of days and then poof was gone again. By far this has been the best week. 

and a fun outtake 

Week ten (the first heart beat we've ever heard).  We went in to make sure everything was fine, and everything was beautiful. We coined you #handsandfeetintheairjustdon'tcare baby.  You were found with ease, and your heart was fluttering so fast, probably to match mine.  I cried, Josh cried, and the technician wouldn't let us apologize.  I could have watched you for hours, but you fell asleep and the show was over.  Week ten, I have so little energy, and welcome back high school acne.

Week 11, beautiful skin, and tighter clothes, no baby bump yet, but I'm feeling fat.  We took you to Puerto Rico, you enjoyed the warm weather, and the beach.  We thought we were going to give you the ZIKA virus, we didn't.  But Josh sure was worried, he's already an impressive dad. I also received this lovely comment when the commenter thought I was out of ear shot, "Last time I saw her, she was thin, but she is gaining weight as well. It's okay for me to say this but never to her."  Thank you sir, never thought I would be the recipient of this lovely sentiment.

Preggie pops for the win
Week 12, you started out with extreme afternoon sickness, constant headaches, stomach aches, and rhinitis (which has been off and on since the beginning).  I suppose a big bang to start off the week.  We went back to see how much you've grown.  Almost double, still #handsandfeetintheairjustdon'tcare baby, you threw in a few boxing poses so that was exciting. Your heart beat is just as strong, and your head is just as big. Week 12 brought silky hair, and clear skin.  Week 12 you also introduced me to preggie pops.

My sick needs
Week 13, you don't get pictures of me, instead you get a picture of all of the 13 plus remedies.  Week 13 started on Friday the 13th, and if that wasn't a warning of the bad omens to come I don't know what was.  You reeked havoc on my depressed immune system and took advantage of this mama.  What started as a normal cold, had me sick in bed unable to stand on Friday, the first day of the 13th week. It was then I knew this would be unlike any other sickness. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were spent lying in bed wishing I was a virus whisperer, and trying to wish away my so raw sore throat.  The cold continued on to pink eye (Sunday), and trip to the insta care (because I always get the have to go to the doctor sicks on Saturday or Sunday nights).  Pink eye and cold led to sinus infections, and ear infections, oh boy!  On top of all of that I got what I can only explain as vertigo, absolutely no balance and extremely dizzy.  Monday night was spent on the bathroom floor, inches away from the garbage.  Tuesday was spent hard of hearing in bed hoping I would never have to get up again.  Here we are on Thursday, and I walk around okay, my appetite hasn't returned, and my body only lets me know I'm hungry, by getting so nauseous I throw up, it's a fun game I like to call how many times can I throw up straight water?  Everything still sounds like I'm under water, my nose will never drain, and I make lovely guttural sounds every five minutes or so. Because of this pregnancy and our current stage, we weren't approved for a lot of medications, and we held out as long as we could, but by Monday I couldn't go another hour without something...anything, so Tylenol it was to combat some of these symptoms.  In case you are wondering we tried everything, we `researched every cold remedy that ever existed.  We ate onions, garlic, blueberries, peppers, carrots, craisins, raisins,  (ginger was on the lists, but my normal ginger loving self, has been replaced by ginger induced vomiting me), drank orange juice, all the water, and mint teas with honey.  Took vitamin C gummies and extra strength vitamins. We ran the humidifier (which helped moisten my sleepy dry throat), we bought an essential oils atomizer (which I assume only works if you can smell the essential oils, that's right, I haven't been able to smell or taste anything since Friday.  We bought a mint plant so we could do three in the morning face steaming's.  We've tried saline sprays, long showers, wet warm face towels, and sleeping propped up (yep proud sleep sitter going on four nights now).  We are also the new owners of a neti pot, which is not as uncomfortable as first described to me by two in the morning Josh and has helped the most. We tried one dose of Robitussin but after three hurls it was all in the garbage within an hour. We've done throat sprays, which helps numbing a sore throat when you can't stop throwing up.  We've done vicks vapor rub on my feet, on my chest, and under my nose. This is the cold of been there done that, and nothing really works. Week 13 I hope you end soon, and my hearing, vision, taste, and smell return to me.  On the plus side Josh has been experimenting with some fun dishes, and I eat my half portions and look to him for cues on how they taste.

Week 14, you started off with an ear ache and two trips to the doctor, and after a large amount of wax was removed I'm feeling much better.  This week is going to be a good one.  I can feel my stomach stretching, and hopeful you will be making your first outwardly physical appearance soon.  We had our first appointment with the midwives and they caught your tiny heart beat on the Doppler before you skirted off again, do laps while you're still able.  

Week 15, my stomach resembles that of a deflated balloon.  The weeks of sore muscles has given way to a tiny baby lump. I traded in my sports body for a mom bod, and this baby looks good on me.  I still have a cough, but a lot more energy, hopefully it will warm up so we can continue walking again.

Baby bump, bigger than a food baby now.
 Week 16, I gave in and bought some much needed maternity pants, they are so comfy.  We are also preparing to announce your debut as my lump is now a bump, and you can't be excused as a large meal anymore.

Week 17, your announcement week finally came.  We were nervous and excited, but had fun coming up with different ways to spread the news. 

Coming July '17

 If you are new to our story check out our other blogs to see how far we've come.  To all of our friends and family thank you for your support through this journey and continued support throughout this pregnancy!