Wednesday, May 21, 2014


This is the month after all the holidays, and hub lub of Winter. This is the month of spring, two months after the month of wind, and one month after the month or rain and flowers. This is May; the month of thanks. It often hits me around January/February/March, even into April, that winter is not over, and I usually feel my seasonal depression lingering a bit longer. So May is the month of giving thanks, because being thankful makes you feel better.
1. Memories. Memories are what make me smile in the middle of the night. Sometimes I think when I'm old all I will have is my memories, and they will keep me company in my after the old age. Thanks for the new and old memories.
2. My friends. I never knew how thankful I was for friends until I moved and they went on missions or moved as well.  I realize my friends made me crazy but kept me sane. Now that I am on my twelfth month of being best best friendless I want my friend back. Luckily when some friends go away you find new ones. Thanks for the new and old friends.
3. Warmth.  Not the warmth of a good hug although that is pretty great as well.  I am so thankful for heat and the sun and its amazing ability to make heat happen.  We are living on propane which is extremely expensive and every time I turn on the furnace I cringe a little thinking about where the dollar extra a gallon could be going.  However thanks to inventive minds I have electric blankets and warm clothing.
4. Technology.  I know what you are thinking; phones, ipods, keyless engine starters.  Those are all nice, but I'm just happy for water heaters. Once you go three weeks without hot water you will never look at your water heater the same way again, I am in love. The other thing that has been a time saver is our dishwasher.  I lived my whole college life without a dishwasher, and loved it, but the dishwasher is definitely nice. I love cars, and phones, and electricity, indoor plumbing and chairs with four legs as well. Thank you to all the great minds.
5. Freedom. I'm so thankful for the United States of America, even though at times with our presiding government it is hard. I'm so grateful to all the people that fought to make this country and keep this country. I'm thankful for all of our freedoms and rights that have been granted.
6. Family.  This list is not ranked in order, or family would be at the top. I love my family, and I love my family expanding. I love the families that include me in their family. I couldn't live without the support, and lectures, and unwanted guidance and opinions that come from the elders.
7. Animals. Animals are a huge part of my life.  When I adopt another pet I realize just how great and wonderful animals are.
8. Motorcycles.  I never imagined a motorcycle would ever be apart of my life. However,\it has changed our life, and created a huge bond of trust between Josh and I.
9. Water.  I love water and am so thankful that it is in an extreme abundance (as long as you are not irrigating). I love water and if every trip I ever took was to a body of water, I would be in love.
10. Work. I never realized how thankful I would be for work.  My mom and dads work paved the way for our family.  Work gives me something to do when I am bored, and something to look forward to when I want money.
11. Days off.  As much as I love work, there is nothing like a couple days vacation just having fun.
12. Trees, green, and photosynthesis. Lets face it, we would be dead without vegetation. When the trees first start blooming I am the most happy I could be in the spring. Without a doubt the plants and animals know when spring is coming better than any scientist. This ones to you plants.
13. Books. Although I don't read as much as I should I love books. I love the knowledge that is hiding in the oldest pages. I love learning.
14. Love. Love is not measurable, not even palpable, and yet everyone feels it.  every time Josh asks me how much I love him, I tell him this much (an inch) to the moon and back a billion times. That's a lot of love...and he always says he loves me more.
15. Trust. I love trusting someone and knowing without a doubt they won't break it. Trust is hard to find in this world, so if you find it, hold onto it with a dead man's grasp.
16. Creature comforts. Those comforts you sometimes forget about it.  Napping on couches, playing outside in the sun, hiking, biking, canoe rides, movies, light, shoes, new shorts, Indian food, pictures. etc.
I hope everyone has a thankful list and it grows each year. There are so many things, I couldn't possibly get to them all on one post.
Thanks for Reading.




ME and COWS!

Trees and lover boy

Battle wounds 

finding the water after the hike

the sun
all the love wrapped in one

Ultimately #1 would be cows, I love them!!